Jason Whitlock wrote LeBron’s pride simply not important for ESPN.com and although he mentions guns only once, it’s worth mentioning:
Make no mistake, pride is an American problem. It’s why we live above our means. It baits us into a delusion that cripples our self-awareness. Pride is the reason we won’t address our poisonous gun laws, our fruitless war on drugs and terror, our abuse of the Earth.
Source: http://espn.go.com/nba/story/_/id/11199270/whitlock-lebron-james-pride-not-most-important-factor
While I agree that the war on drugs is futile, is this the place to attack that and guns and push your treehugger-agenda?
I’m not a sports fan, so you tell me, do sports fans actually go on ESPN.com to read anything other than sports?
Jesus this post is fucking stupid
So when you visit ESPN.com, you’re expecting political debates? Whatever Levi.