It’s nice to know that there are good college students out there.
More than a dozen students at the University of Kansas Tuesday attended classes wearing empty gun holsters to express opposition to a decision by academic administrators to delay implementation of full conceal-and-carry rights on campus.
Under Kansas law guiding concealed handguns, operators of colleges and universities can immediately allow people with a concealed-gun permit full access to campus buildings or choose to request an exemption of up to four years.
KU received an exemption from the law signed this year by Gov. Sam Brownback. The university must open campus buildings by 2017 to holders of conceal-and-carry permits or maintain the ban by installing security systems, such as metal detectors and trained guards, at public entrances to buildings.
Shame on Brownback for giving them an exemption. I’m surprised because he is a very conservative Republican in other areas:
Republican Gov. Sam Brownback remodeled Kansas state government in his conservative vision — and perhaps is paying a price.
Brownback fired up critics with income tax reductions that could leave gaping holes in the state budget. They were upset at tightening laws restricting abortion, at slicing funds for social services and at choosing not to restore lost federal money for schools.
All that sounds music to my ears, I mean, thanks to him Kansas became the first state to de-fund its arts agency, how great is that?
Brownback does deserve credit for voting “yes’ on “on maintaining current gun laws: guns sold without trigger locks,” which is good because trigger locks are expensive an constitute a hardship to the small gun dealer. Frankly, I don’t even use the gun locks that came with my two guns, don’t see the point? If a criminal breaks into my home, he can break the locks.