Guns save lives whether you’re 18 or 85, or in the case of this armed citizen, 76-years old:
A 76-year-old South Carolina man fatally shot a robbery suspect who assaulted him in his own driveway, Charleston’s WCSC-TV reported.
“I just shot somebody who was trying to rob me,” the man says in a 911 call obtained by WCSC. “I shot about three times before I hit him because he had me on the ground trying to tase me. And I finally got one in him.”
Image source: WCSC-TV
The resident of Lincolnville, S.C., about 30 minutes northwest of Charleston, told a police dispatcher that Sunday’s incident wasn’t the first time he was robbed.
Neighbors of the 76-year-old said criminal activity is becoming commonplace on their street and in their town and are glad the man took action.
“I think the neighborhood needs to come together and get these people off the streets,” one unidentified resident who lives a few doors away told WCSC. “And luckily that man took one of them out. Really it’s kind of just another day in Lincolnville.”
Once deputies arrived on the scene, an incident report noted the homeowner told them he was exiting the house and walking toward his car when the suspect attempted to fire at him with a stun gun or taser.
The suspect, identified as 25-year-old Robert Deziel of Summerville, was found lying in front of the carport and pronounced dead by EMS. According to a Charleston County Sheriff’s office spokesman, a stun gun was found at the scene.
The homeowner, whom the incident report said was “struck in the face” and had abrasions on his hands, was taken to a hospital for treatment.
No arrests have been made. The incident remains under investigation by the Charleston County Sheriff’s Office.
In New York City the story would have been 25-year-old murders senior citizen, unless that elderly man happens to be Bloomberg with his band of bodyguards. Sorry Bloomberg, I can’t afford bodyguards but I can afford a gun. That’s why I’m keeping mine.
Another lesson learned is that real guns beat stun guns each and every time.