Even Chris Matthews wants to shoot the bastard, but Mark Glaze, Director of Mayors Against Illegal Guns? No, no, no.
“MARK GLAZE: Very often somebody will come at you. They might want to have a fistfight. They might come at you with an axe handle.
MATTHEWS: Would you consider the guy with the axe handle armed or not?
GLAZE: Not with a gun.
MATTHEWS: I would consider him armed.
GLAZE: I have a word for him. I grew up in Colorado where my dad was a gun dealer, and a guy who shoots somebody who has anything other than a gun when they could have done something else like talk or fight with their fists –
MATTHEWS: How do you talk to a guy with an axe handle?
GLAZE: Well, you fight him. You run away. You deescalate the situation.”
Clearly, MAIG is an organization that cares more for the rights of ax-wielding murderers than the people they attack. They ought to call themselves Mayors Against LEGAL Guns.
Is that the “common-sense gun control” you’re selling? We can’t even shoot a 1980s horror movie cliche? Unbelievable.