Don’t respect the Office if you can’t respect the man.

Don't respect the Office if you can't respect the man.

Too many liberals and some conservatives claim that you have to respect “the office of the president.” So let me give these office-lovers a clue.

1.Respect is for Individuals, not Offices. I may like the guy at the DMV, I do not like the DMV.

2. Presidents are known as public SERVANTS, not public masters. He is supposed to salute YOU, respect YOU. Everything he has came from your taxes. You owe him NOTHING.

3. If you’re not in the military, you’re not in the chain of command. “Commander-in-chief” doesn’t mean he’s commander of all of us. Soldiers themselves swear allegiance to the constitution, not to him.

4. Respect is earned, not given. In the advertising industry, we have an expression: “you’re only as good as your last ad.” The point of that is that whatever title and experience you have means nothing if the quality of your work declines.  .

5. Titles are irrelevant. England has Royal Babies, Queens, Kings, Dukes, Lords, Sirs, and those titles grant them rights, not here. In this country people are judged for their actions, from great generals to great presidents, they have been admired for their accomplishments, not their titles.

The cult of diversity, the trophy for participation mentality, the condemnation of individualism and the elevation of altruism has led to a society where a lot of unearned praise has been given and is expected.

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  1. Respect... | The Gun Feed says:

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