Don’t fear the door-to-door salesman

Door-to-door salesmen aren’t as common as they used to be, but you should still be wary of what you do:

AUSTIN — A salesman was walking door-to-door when a man came out on his porch and pointed a loaded gun at him, police said.

Police arrived at James Arthur Strohm’s house, 56, after they received a call that he allegedly pointed a gun at a salesman who approached his door, an affidavit said.

He was asked to step out on his porch with his hands up as police handcuffed him and searched his house. No other weapons were found in the house besides the one he pointed at the salesman. The gun was loaded.

Strohm said he did pull a gun on the salesman but he did not point the weapon at him. Police charged him with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

As of Wednesday, Strohm was not in custody.

What I want to know is if he had his gun in a holster or sling, or if he was holding it with his hands? I hope Strohm is innocent. If I had been in the salesman’s place, I would have walked away. If someone tells me “get away from my property” I take that advice.


18 Responses to Don’t fear the door-to-door salesman

  1. Did it perhaps strike you as perplexing that somebody who was allegedly arrested for such a heinous crime was not still in jail the next day?

    If you google the alleged perpetrator in this case, you might find an email address or a phone number. I would suggest that you might try to contact him to get his side of the story, rather than relying on an un-vetted report posted by a left-leaning TV station dedicated to driving web traffic to its site.

    • I’m just voicing my opinion based on the sourced article, you’re free to do your own research. I’m not an investigative journalist, I find interesting news and sometimes write original content. Besides, let’s consider the following.

      1. People undergoing legal proceedings rarely talk to the media.

      2. Not everyone that gets arrested goes to jail, sometimes bail is granted, sometimes no charges are given. Generally, the prosecutor has 72 hours (48 in California) to either press charges, if he doesn’t, they have to let you go.

      3. If the gun owner is innocent, I welcome him to write to me or post a comment here.

      • Strohm has a nasty habit of playing victim and whining when I inform him and his sick buddies that I am a gun owner and can and will defend myself. His sick buddies on rec.skiing.alpine have threatened my life on hundreds of occasions for telling the truth. He’s an internet stalker and a craven coward who has participated in an ongoing campaign of terrorism, defamation, and real world stalking.
        No surprise this nutjob threatened to shoot a door to door salesman. In a truly deranged act of cowardice, he threatened to lie to APD about me because I stated if he ever tried to make good on his threats, I’d be delighted to take appropriate measures. He’s the kind of nutjob you want to make damn sure cannot own weapons.

        • Oh, the irony of Scott Abraham accusing others of playing the victim. He has spent his whole live playing the victim while at the same time attempting to bully anyone who calls him on his constant lies. Lying and freeloading are the things he is an expert at. One only needs to read his tens of thousands of posts on rec. skiing.alpine to see for themselves what a lunatic he is. He’s crazy enough to have been banned from posting by the courts but continued posting his delusions under a different name.
          Yup, he’s a real prize.

          • This is exactly the same vile lies that James Arthur Strohm has told about me for fifteen years. From a coward who hides in anonymity while he lies. Oh, the irony. The same kind of wimp who has threatened my life on hundreds of occasions.

            Somebody has to tell me how warning these maggots that I can and will defend myself if they try to make good on their treats is not bullying. Telling someone you want to see the dead is bullying.

            Hell, I’m a flaming liberal living in Seattle. Freaks like this disgusting coward is one of the reasons I love the second amendment, because making damn sure internet wack jobs know I own weapons makes damn sure they will never try to make good on their threats.

        • You know him better than I do. Personally, I’m not interested in going to war with Strohm. I just shared the story and let my readers opine if they wish.

          • Mr. Smith, he doesn’t know me in the slightest. The same lies Strohm was selling. The only consolation in Munchkin Strohm’s arrest for me is that there is a real possibility Strohm might have mistaken the salesman for me coming to bitch slap him. Ain’t been in Texas in a long, long time and have no desire to visit, nor have I ever threatened to hunt him down, but delusional paranoia is one of Strohm’s mental problems. Obviously. This freak should not be allowed to own weapons.

          • Here’s a little background info on Scott Abraham from Wikipedia:

            “Scott Abraham – skiing enthusiast banned by court order in 1999 from posting on the Usenet discussion group “rec.skiing.alpine”, after engaging in a flame war with other online posters. The heated exchanges lasted for months, eventually escalating into death threats, until a police detective from Seattle posted a request for all involved to calm down. All involved did except Abraham, which ultimately led to a court order being filed against him. The Electronic Frontier Foundation and other civil liberties groups commented that this violated free speech, but did not deny that Abraham’s aggressive behavior exceeded the boundaries of normal newsgroup civility.”

            That’s right, even the EFF nor any civil liberties groups would appeal his court ordered ban from posting after looking into his behaviour.

          • A recitation of lies, half truths, and outright defamations. Strange how you forget to mention that the death threats were all pointed at me, but then again, I never cease to be amazed at how many people judged the case, none of whom ever spoke to me or anyone on my side. Another example of me exercising my second amendment rights, and being harassed for informing terrorists who threatened my life that I can and will defend myself. Especially against pathological liars who stalk from anonymity. What’s your name again?

          • Odd how everyone except for you remembers you getting banned for your obnoxious, bullying behaviour.


    • I suggest you look up rec.skiing.alpine and do a search on Strohm. He’s a right wing libertarian wack job. Not to mention a stalking pathological liar and all around clown. He’s gotten into gun talk several times, mostly to try and intimidate me.
      As for getting more information, good luck. I’ve been asking for more info for a long time, via posts in RSA and emails, and Munchkin Strohm won’t answer.
      But what do you expect from a Libertarian Party candidate for State Senate? Stone cold nutcase, a danger to himself and others.

      • Not all Libertarian Party candidates are like that, most libertarians believe in the non aggression principle, that means you’re not the one who strikes first. As a right-libertarian, I tend to be more pro-war than other libertarians, I supported the war in Iraq for example, but I’m also not the kind of guy looking for trouble. Sometimes it’s better to ignore a threat than to escalate it until something terrible happens. Other times you have no choice but to deal with the threat. Either way, America has changed a lot, there used to be a time door-to-door salesmen were very common, but those days are long gone. All salesmen need to be aware of this new reality, I’m not justifying what Strohm did, just stating the facts.

          • I am very reasonable to people who are reasonable with me. People like Richard Henry and James Arthur Strohm, who defame, stalk, threaten, and lie to the police get treated like the vile scum they are.

          • You will note that I have issues with this genteman’s politics, but I am happy to discuss with a reasonable, honest, honorable human being. You are a psychopath playing a truly sick game. I have a long history of your disgusting unreasonableness.
            Hey, thanks for the details of Munchkin Strohm managing to beat the rap. What took you so long to share?

  2. The Grand Jury heard the prosecutor’s evidence on July 29 and refused to indict. Strohm is free without criminal record or penalty other than his legal costs.

    As for Mr. Abraham’s comments, I must concur in his suggestion to consult rec.skiing.alpine for more information.!forum/rec.skiing.alpine

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