Don’t be a Gun-Hating Dickinson

You’d think a guy named Mike Dickinson (Virginia Democrat) would try not to be such a dick. As the Spokane Conservative Examiner reported:

“Gun owners are like little kids right now. They all the rights but none of the responsibility (sic). With rights comes responsibility,” Dickinson tweeted.

In another tweet, Dickinson said that anyone who sells a gun should be responsible if that weapon is used in a crime, making a comparison to bar owners who sell alcohol to those who drink and drive.

“If you as a private person sell someone a gun and it is used in a crime you should be held civilly responsible,” he said.

“If you sell a gun and it ends up being used in a crime or shooting- you should be held responsible,” he wrote in another message.

“Gun retailers should be as well if a gun is used in crime,” he added in another tweet.

Dickinson, however, said he is not for “removing guns,” but compared them “to the norovirus” and made it clear he wants them to be treated like vehicles, and all sellers held responsible for actions taken after the sale.

He also suggested every state have the same gun control laws.

“If every state had same gun control laws, America would be healthy. However we do not. We have some sick states that get everyone else ill,” he tweeted.

Every state has gun control laws, you Dickinson! Even States with Constitutional Carry has some law controlling law-abiding gun owners, criminals of course are hard to control even when you incarcerate them.

He also went after the NRA, saying the organization should fight for abortion and LGBT rights since it supports freedom.

The NRA is a single-issue organization, which is why they win. The NRA defends the things that help them win, such as the First Amendment which was under attack by campaign finance laws which is why they filed a friend-of-the-court brief with the ACLU, a lawsuit they won by the way.

Besides, LGBT’s have already gotten all the rights they want but same-sex marriage, and there are plenty of abortions being performed everyday. I myself favor abortions every time a Democrat is pregnant, LOL.  Of course, the NRA is smart-enough not to divide gun owners who might be pro-choice or pro-life by embracing divisive issues.

The same cannot be said of the uber-liberal Human Rights Campaign which advocates for both gay rights and abortion, which is why you won’t find an HRC sticker in my car.

Recently, Dickinson attacked Fox News and suggested the FCC “monitor and regulate” the network.

Democrats are so scared of free speech that they need their little government agencies to harass the good guys.

Here’s an idea, from now on all gun-hating Democrats will be known as Dickinsons. If Michael Savage can defame Rick Santorum by giving his last name a sexual connotation, we can play the same game.

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