There’s Republican red, there’s Commie Red. DeBlasio is no Republican.
I admit that my favorite quote about gun control comes from a criminal.
“Gun control? It’s the best thing you can do for crooks and gangsters. I want you to have nothing. If I’m a bad guy, I’m always gonna have a gun. Safety locks? You pull the trigger with a lock on, and I’ll pull the trigger. We’ll see who wins.”
Sammy “The Bull” Gravano. Interview with Vanity Fair.
Source: http://gunowners.org/sk0406.htm
But when de Blasio asks “a group of 50 ex-cons, junkies and chronic vagrants” for advice, he’s going to get a few whoppers like these:
“I like the idea of ending stop and frisk. That was the first thing that was totally there for me,” opined Mikell Green-Grand, a 49-year-old former jailbird who has convictions for grand larceny and identity theft.
Arthur Castillo, 38 — who has been convicted for possessing stolen property and assault — said he would be much obliged if the cops just left him alone to do his thing.
“Cops won’t leave us alone!” he said. “Newly released prisoners are watched by the police and a lot of us don’t feel we have an opportunity to readapt to normal life because we are treated as criminals even though we are free.”
Castillo, of Bayside, Queens, called for de Blasio to both “redistribute” the wealth and pay what is, in effect, protection money.
“A lot of money is spent on the prison system — it should be used to cultivate prisoners lives,” he opined. “The money should be redistributed to help those who want to change while they are incarcerated.”
Other ex-cons suggested that de Blasio make the city easier for illegal immigrants to find work.
“Currently, our policies with foreigners coming in here is a problem,” said ex-con Michael Francis.
Source: http://nypost.com/2013/11/21/de-blasio-hearing-plenty-of-policing-advice-from-ex-cons/
DeBlasio won’t talk to the NRA, GOA, NSSF, or even John Stossel, yet he’ll talk to criminal scum. What does that tell you?