The Mayor of Charleston, West Virginia, is a traitor to the constitution, I’m also surprised a gun-hater like him could get elected mayor. Come on, Charleston! What were you thinking?
CHARLESTON, WV — “Disgraceful.”
That’s how Charleston Mayor Danny Jones characterized the passage of a bill allowing concealed firearms into city recreation centers that house day cares and Head Start programs.
“It is absolutely disgraceful that the West Virginia Legislature cares more about taking its direction from the (National Rifle Association) than keeping handguns away from children at rec centers in Charleston and throughout West Virginia,” Jones said in a statement. “The bill even defines rec centers as places where children are often present, and yet it still says cities and towns cannot stop people from bringing handguns into them.”
Disgraceful? No sir, Sen. Byrd, Democrat and former Kleagle (Klan Recruiter) was disgraceful. You are the best friend a mass shooter could have, because you’re the one who disarms the good guys with guns that shoot bad guys with guns.
He said the city would have to notify the federal government because the Head Start program at the Martin Luther King Jr. Recreation Center is federally funded.
“We have to tell them the state is going to force us to allow guns in there,” Jones said in a phone interview. “I’m sure there have been guns in that building before, but for the state to sanction it and force us to allow them in there is a danger.
“We’ll probably have to put up big warning signs to tell people that strangers might be walking around there carrying guns.”
Public universities are federally funded, which is why they can get sued if they discriminate against the first amendment rights of a student. What is Jones smoking? As for a sign, yeah, we have a sign, it’s called the CONSTITUTION!
The mayor has said in the past that he felt the bill, which he described as poorly written, was targeting Charleston. He said in a statement that pro-gun lobbyists and legislators have claimed that it is an attempt at making gun laws around the state uniform but “used it as a weapon” to remove Charleston’s three-day waiting period.
Charleston’s laws regarding the buying and carrying of firearms have been in effect since 1993 when council members approved a firearms ban that covered City Hall, the Charleston Civic Center and Municipal Auditorium, and all city parks and recreation centers.
That ban, drafted by then-Police Chief Dallas Staples and then-parks Director Mike Simmons, was in response to issues caused by handguns in the early 1990s, including one in 1993 at the Kanawha City Recreation Center where a man, angry over a basketball game, brandished a handgun.
The city took it a step further later that year when it restricted firearms sales to one per person, per month. It also instituted criminal background checks on the prospective buyer and added a three-day waiting period.
If you live in Charleston, you need to explain your city to me. Is it a retirement community for New Yorkers? Property of Bloomberg?
Chattanooga has liberals, including our mayor, but our liberals would never dream of going that far.
[…] Go read this article… […]
I live close to Charleston, and even though we just had a Cabelas’s open there, I buy my firearms in different towns surrounding Charleston. There is also a Gander mountain there, and I bet both would love to see the 3 day waiting period lifted. Some discussion with the right folks from both of those companies could help things along here..
I know West Virginia sided with the union during the civil war, but it was my perception that WV is a Red State which is why it’s surprising Danny Jones sounds like a Bloomberg, DeBlasio, or Rahm Emmanuel.
I agree with you, those restrictions need to go. Waiting periods don’t apply to criminals after all.