Criminals Scared by Gonzaga’s Blue Signs

Gonzaga University should be renamed Alice in Wonderland School of Nonsense because everything is backwards there. Criminals aren’t feared, security fears law-abiding gun owners, and the response to crime is put blue signs to remind gun owners that the 2nd Amendment does not exist in university-owned property. Sort of like separate drinking fountains, the question is, will gun owners sit in the back of Gonzaga’s crappy bus? Or shall we sue the bastards into Kingdom come? I say sue the crap out of them.

SPOKANE, Wash. – Nearly a year has passed since two Gonzaga University students stopped an intruder by going and getting a gun before the intruder forced himself inside the apartment.

That incident sparked debate over the gun policy on Gonzaga University’s campus.

The two students were living in university owned apartments off the main campus at the time of the incident.

KREM’s 2 On Your Side checked back into the controversial gun issue at Gonzaga University and found that the school is taking the incident into consideration when looking over campus gun policy.

Across campus, there are new blue signs posted. The school said those signs are a a result of that gun incident last year.

Staff said the new blue signs were placed across campus in an attempt to make the boundaries of Gonzaga owned property more transparent.

Now, any building, on or off campus, that is owned by the university is marked with a blue sign.

However, it is not just the boundaries Gonzaga administration is trying to make clearer, but also campus policies.

“Our number one goal at Gonzaga University, especially my role as Vice President for Student Development, is the security of our students,” said Gonzaga University Vice President of Student Development Judi Biggs Garbuio.

Students said security was threatened last year by that gun incident in an off-campus residence. In that incident, two students were defending themselves from a break-in attempt. During the break-in attempt a student grabbed a gun he had a permit for that was stored in the apartment.

The students called police and campus security, but found themselves facing discipline and getting their guns taken, even with a concealed weapons permit because their property was owned by the university.

Weapons are not allowed on any university owned property, even if it is off campus.

“There was no way to clearly delineate the boundaries of Gonzaga University and when you were walking onto private property,” Garbuio explained. “So, now driving around you will notice blue signs that clearly delineate where Gonzaga University property starts.”

The blue signs are just one new university addition in light of the gun incident.

The university said it did not change anything in its campus weapons policy. However, they are trying to better communicate with students and make the policy clearer for students.

“A lot of it was a little bit of anxiousness in the wake of all of it,” said Gonzaga’s Junior Class President Taylor Kratochvil. “All of that was really extinguished after we were able to promote that communication.”

University owned housing now has a full-time staff member who specifically sits down with students just to go through their housing contract, according to Gonzaga.

Staff said that is to make sure students know that even in an off campus residence owned by the university, weapons are not allowed.

“It’s just making sure everyone’s aware of the rules in place,” Kratochvil said.

From the administration perspective, better communication is always a good thing.

“I think also with the continuation of the gun violence in schools, I think more students are appreciating the fact that there are no guns on campus,” Garbuio said. “They feel a sense of security and safety knowing that we banned them.”

Staff said other changes are being made to make students feel more secure. For example, the school added additional campus security officers and put required key access in place at buildings off campus.


I’m sure the criminals are glad to hear Gonzaga is a “gun-free zone.” Sense of security? Sure, only liberals feel secure with ideas that don’t work.

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