Beating the Dems with Bill de Blasio.

Bill de Blasio hates guns, Capitalism, tobacco, he’s Bloomberg with better looks sans  the money, and while he’s a curse in New York, he could be a blessing for Republicans everywhere else.

“De Blasio poses interesting challenges for the Democratic Party,” said Darrell M. West, director of the Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution. “He is more liberal than the typical officeholder and will attract a lot of media attention given his platform in New York City. That will inject him into many public discussions. I don’t think he will become a Ted Cruz figure for the Democratic side, but he has the potential to be a Howard Dean who seeks to rally the public towards a more progressive view of the world.”

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A challenge indeed, because unlike Obama and the pseudo-centrists, De Blasio can’t hide his Marxism, his remarks are likely to be heard all over America. All Republicans have to do is deliver the following message: Democrat = De Blasio.
If you believe in the free market, in guns, in Capitalism, in the freedom to eat what you want, then why would you vote for a Democrat?
We don’t have to lie about De Blasio to hurt him, in fact, I don’t believe in lying about anyone. Why lie when the truth is deadly enough?
Forget the rumor mill and conspiracy theory land, let’s just watch what De Blasio says, let’s report his words, post his videos, show his dirt to the world.

When 2016 finally arrives, our message will be clear to America. You can continue with the Obama’s, DeBlasio’s, Clinton’s Marxism or you can choose real change, not change for the sake of change, but the American restoration our country deserves.


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