Cop Admits Gun Buybacks Don’t Work

Unlike the Mayor of Boston, Thomas Nolan has real experience fighting crime, and he knows what doesn’t work:

“Most of the guns that are used in crimes are fairly new, large caliber semi-automatic pistols,” said Thomas Nolan, a former 27-year Boston cop who teaches criminal justice at the State University of New York at Plattsburgh. “The majority of what you see in these gun buyback programs are revolvers. We don’t even know if these guns are capable of being fired.

“This is a little bit gimmicky,” he said. “They’ve done them all over the country, but I think in 2014 we should be thinking of entirely new means of addressing these issues rather than recycling old and somewhat tired ideas.”

But Nolan added that a buyback is worth the money if it prevents even one homicide.

Oh well, following that logic why not just ban all guns? Idiot, we don’t sacrifice freedom to save lives, in fact, sacrificing freedom is what kills lives. So if you care about saving lives, you’ll join the NRA and promote gun ownership.

Dr. Robert Sege, a pediatrician at Boston Medical Center who studies gun violence, said, “This tragedy that happened on Friday clearly requires a response, and a gun buyback program is something we can do. The main thing gun buybacks do is send a message that we don’t need to have guns in our home. These are guns that could be stolen or used for crimes.”

These pediatricians are a joke, they don’t study gun violence, they study diaper rashes and kids with gas. Even the guys at the ER, the ones that actually remove bullets from the bodies of criminals, don’t know nothing about guns or how to use them in self-defense. We don’t need to have guns? Tell that to the 60-year-old woman who shot a rapist in his 20s, tell her that her gun could have been stolen or used for crimes.

I wish all anti-gunners could experience crime, they think they don’t need guns? Let them see what happens when you don’t have them.



4 Responses to Cop Admits Gun Buybacks Don’t Work

  1. Cop Admits Gun Buybacks Don’t Work | The Gun Feed says:

    […] Go read this article… […]

  2. d says:

    I like gun buybacks, It allowed me to get rid of a non functioning firearm that I was unable to sell. Thanks!!

  3. askeptic says:

    I’ll support a gun buy-back when the medical community can cut it’s accidental deaths by one-half – which would still outnumber the numbers of lives lost due to firearms.

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