Conyers City Council fears armed citizens

The cowards in Conyers, Georgia are afraid of their own citizens.

CONYERS — Members of the public who plan to attend Conyers City Council meetings will now have to go through a different entrance and walk through a metal detector as a result of the new gun law that goes into effect July 1.

City Manager Tony Lucas asked the City Council during its public meeting Wednesday how it wished to respond to the new law, which would permit anyone with a concealed weapon permit to carry a gun into a government building unless that local government staffs a metal detector with a law enforcement officer.

“The council had a robust exchange about it and they felt it is necessary,” Lucas said.

Beginning in July, anyone other than city employees will have to access the Council Chambers by entering through the Conyers Police Department entrance, taking the elevator or stairs up to the chambers and walking through a metal detector.

“We have a magnetometer outside the City Council Chambers that we use for court because everyone who attends city court passes through that,” Lucas said.

He added that while an on-duty CPD officer normally attends City Council meetings now, it places more pressure on the police department to make sure an officer is available for the meetings even if there is a large call volume that would stretch the department’s personnel.

Lucas, who said he is a gun rights advocate and is a member of the National Rifle Association, said a further complication of the new law is that police are prohibited from asking if someone carrying a gun has a permit. Therefore, either the city has to allow citizens to carry guns to the City Council meetings without knowing whether or not those people are legally permitted or it has to go to the other extreme and have every person who attends the City Council meetings go through a screening process.

“We don’t have to screen people coming to the meetings, but that is the comfort level of the council,” Lucas said.

If someone were to be found with a gun as a result of the screening process, police must allow that person to take the weapon back to their vehicle and then they can return to the meeting, Lucas said.

“In my opinion, I don’t think the legislators who crafted and passed this bill thought it through operationally,” he said. “I believe a person who is properly permitted should be able to carry a gun, but there are complications when it is opened to every government building, every business, every bar or restaurant.”

For example, if a business posts a sign prohibiting patrons to carry weapons inside and someone still does, the owner or manager of that business can ask that person to leave. If the patron refuses, police can charge him with criminal trespass, but there would be no weapons violation, Lucas said.

He said that all other city buildings are subject to the same law, such as City Hall, the Planning and Zoning Department or the probation office, which could be an area where interactions with the public could be more contentious.

“It’s my decision at this moment that we are not going to screen at other locations,” Lucas said. “When they passed this legislation, they didn’t think about the operational standpoint for all government buildings.”


I believe that Lucas is terrified of being shot, if this is how he feels, maybe politics is not the right career for him. Man up, Lucas, when Harvey Milk was shot in San Francisco, the shooter avoided the metal detector by climbing through a window.

Liberals have the wildest imaginations, they think that the average person can’t wait to shoot them, that the average Joe isn’t afraid of going to jail or being shot by police, or that having a gun will make it more likely that you get angry and shoot somebody.

Georgia, you need to watch out, you’re becoming a Purple State.

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