Common Sense from Colion Noir on Snoop Doggie Lion’s hypocrisy.

Colion Noir is a YouTube personality, famous for pro-gun short videos that go viral. This time he takes on the ultimate anti-gang hypocrite, Snoop Lion, formerly Snoop Dog. Well, it seems Snoop Lying King no longer cares about killing cops and being a gansta, instead he has this silly song called “No Guns Allowed.” Tell me, Snoop Puppy, are your bodyguards armed with pepper spray? Do they carry concealed candle-sticks? No! They carry GUNS. By the way, do you know which organization would love it if all blacks got rid of their guns? The KKK! So do yourself a favor, Snoop Unarmed Fool, start supporting the Second Amendment. P.S. Slaves aren’t allowed to have guns. Are you a slave, Snoopy? Or are you a free man? Free men pack heat! Slaves have nothing.

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