Even though Silvester Stallone supports gun control, he made millions playing Rambo in the 1980s, a character that does NOT support gun control.
So it’s expected that the communists would be upset. As Breitbart reported:
“This week, Stallone once more vanquished Communists trying to ban the actor’s art work from appearing at a prestigious Russian art house.
For those who were born and raised in the Soviet Union, Rambo/Stallone will always be an embodiment of Cold War and the US military machine, someone who kills countless Soviet soldiers and our Vietnamese comrades, a maniacal fighter against the so called ‘red threat’,” reads a statement issued by the Communist Party of Leningrad….
“Stallone referred to our country as an evil empire, he was a soldier of [Ronald] Reagan,” Sergei Malinkovich, a leader of St Petersburg’s communists, wrote in an address to the Russian Museum, in which he called for cancelling Stallone’s exhibition.
Officials at the State Russian Museum opted to ignore the complaints and run the show as planned. The exhibit features paintings Stallone created from 1973 to this year, as scheduled.”
Ironic, isn’t it? I doubt our Smithsonian or our National Endowment for the Arts would support a Rambo exhibit. Below is the kind of “art” they support:
Piss Christ is a 1987 photograph by the American artist and photographer Andres Serrano. It depicts a small plastic crucifix submerged in a glass of the artist’s urine. The piece was a winner of the Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art’s “Awards in the Visual Arts” competition,[1] which was sponsored in part by the National Endowment for the Arts, a United States Government agency that offers support and funding for artistic projects, without controlling content.
Maybe I should take a picture of Obama, put it in a jar of urine, and see if the NEA can give me a grant. Ooops too late, Glenn Beck already did it.
Source: http://freedomoutpost.com/2012/11/artist-depicts-obama-as-christ-as-beck-depict-obama-in-pee-pee/
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