The liberals told us “nobody needs an AR-15,” Joe Biden told us to “get a shotgun.” Well, seems the Colorado shooter took his advice.
The teenage student police say opened fire at his Colorado high school legally purchased a 12-gauge shotgun at a Denver-area gun store within one week before Friday’s attack, according to multiple law enforcement sources.
Karl Halversen Pierson, 18, barged into Arapahoe High School in Centennial with a shotgun on Friday, set off an explosive device, shot one student in the head, then killed himself. He was seeking “revenge” on the school’s debate team instructor, Tracy Murphy, according to police.
So what now, liberals? You’re gonna raise the shotgun purchase age to 21? Demand a waiting period? There’s been mass shootings in California where they make you wait 14-days.
Poor liberals, always thinking the State is smarter than the individual. Look at New York City where they mandated calories be posted in the menu and in spite of that, the “obesity” rate went up. Why? Because people make the choices they want to make, not the ones Bloomberg and his fellow fascists want them to make.
Gun control is an exercise in futility just like the war on drugs and prohibition. Bad guys are gonna get their guns whether they pass a background check or go through the black market.
And we, the people who didn’t do it, are not gonna accept anymore gun control. We’ve had more than enough, in fact, it’s time to start reversing it, time to start getting rid of bad laws that only help bad guys do their worst.