If you’re not shy, Mr. Noir will let you show his huge audience how you carry your gun.
1. Email a picture of how you’re carrying to [email protected] 2. Name the gun and caliber, along with any other information you care to share that can be seen in the picture (holster, belt,watch, phone, purse, clothes, shoes, etc). ** Include link if you have one HERE IS AN ex.—–> LINK
3.I don’t care how you carry. If it’s inside the waist band, outside, purse, appendix, shoulder holster, I don’t care.4. You don’t have to show your face, just make sure the picture is clear and you’re proud of it. I will leave the comment section open for people to comment. I will monitor the comments for trolls and overtly rude comments.
That’s it. So visit: http://www.mrcolionnoir.com/get-featured-on-icarry/
and Be Bold, Be Courageous, make Giffords pee her pants