Liberals are famous for saying stupid things, ever heard the cliche “is better that 10 guilty men to go free than for one innocent go to jail”? I’m an individualist, but the idea that 10 rapist should go free just because the system isn’t perfect is really idiotic.
“The sponsors of House Bill 1229 said the 561 background checks processed in July by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation for private sales and the denials issued means one thing: The bill is working.
“I’m excited to hear that 10 people were denied access to guns because they were unqualified,” said state Rep. Rhonda Fields, D-Aurora, one of the two sponsors of the bill.”
Wow! So I guess those 10 people are now rotting away in jail? Away from decent law-abiding folks? Of course not. Denial doesn’t mean incarceration, in fact, we don’t know if some of these people got denied by mistake, which means they won’t be denied in the future, but fine, let’s assume these 10 were bangers. OK, what are they gonna do? Give up their life of crime? “Gee, I was denied access to guns so now I’m going to start a home painting business.” Really?
So thanks to liberals, 551 people have to be inconvenienced so 10 can be denied of a gun they’ll end up buying somewhere else.
“A gun in the hands of the wrong person is devastating,” Carroll said. “If it (the law) keeps a gun out of the hands of one person who shouldn’t have one, then it is working.”
Sure, and if we amputate the hands of people they won’t be able to shoot guns, why not try that?
“State Sen. Greg Brophy, R-Wray, said the law has not made anyone safer.
“It was already illegal to sell or transfer a gun to someone you knew couldn’t legally have one,” he said.
In addition, Brophy said, during the legislative debates for the bill, Democrats claimed nearly 40 percent of gun sales were done privately, a figure far below what the CBI data show. The 561 private checks processed in July represent 2.9 percent of the total number of background checks for gun sales that month.”
But who cares? If Democrats wanted to fight crime they could have passed pro-gun laws that let us fight crime ourselves. They could also build more prisons, expand the death penalty, even bringing back Roman Gladiator Games so the criminals can kill each other is far more productive than the crap these people do.
Fine, I joke about gladiator games (although I would attend those games if I could) but you get my meaning.
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