Check Out What South Pond Water Fowl Says About It…
“No other form of hunting puts your equipment to the test like waterfowl hunting; your gun is always getting knocked into the water or mud. We have all been in situations where our guns have not worked as they should, and it’s mainly due to neglect. The last thing any hunter wants is a gun that doesn’t perform in crunch time. Keeping your gun clean is crucial.
That being said, I was that guy in the field who always had a spray can. Those cans were used multiple times in the field by me and others. I shoot an auto loader, and those can be more finicky for obvious reasons. I clean my gun 4 times a season depending on conditions, and it always amazes me how much garbage comes out each time. I have seemingly brought home a whole cornfield; dirt, cobs, stalks and all. All it takes is one thing getting hung up in there and your gun won’t function.
The oil arrived right before dove season. I had shot 3 cases of light loads through my shotgun at the range and farm, just doing a little clay busting to stay sharp during the offseason, so it was pretty dang nasty. I went through the basic break down of the gun, got it all apart and blew it out with an air hose. Then I put my gun in the tub, ran the whole thing under water to knock out any chunks missed by the hose. I dried the entire gun, and then proceeded to wipe it down with a rag that had only a few drops of oil on it. I also put a few drops of oil on a small cleaning brush and got the innards of the gun. There was a black stain on the gun barrel that I had scrubbed and scrubbed at before. I went over that area, using little to no force, and it literally took the stain off the first swipe. At that moment I knew that Wolf Premium Oil was the real deal. The gun looked brand new, minus all of the abrasions I had given it over the years.
After using my WOLF Gun Oil I was impressed with how thick the oil was and how well it coated and cleaned the gun. I ran a test to see how long I could go before I needed to clean it again. It took the gun a month and a half to finally get weird on me. To be fair, that hunt was probably one of the worst condition hunts I’d ever been on. I had a half inch of ice built up on my gun from not shooting. Ducks came in and the gun was frozen solid. I smacked it a couple times, slapped the bolt back and forth and gave a test shot; it literally blew ice out from every cavity on the gun. It worked; I couldn’t believe it! I scratched out a limit of mallards, and went home and gave that poor thing another bath!
Wolf Premium Oil will make your gun perform effortlessly and you will be amazed at how well it cleans. You can find Mike on twitter @WolfPremiumOils or check him out at They have recently released archery oil and fishing reel oil, of which I’m currently testing! If you are a hunting, fishing, or archery buff, I’d suggest buying one of each. Take care of your equipment using Wolf Premium Oils!”
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