This is what I love about Texas….

Posing with guns, how awesome is that?
SEABROOK, TX (KTRK) — A man hoping to be one of the state’s house representatives is making news for how he is bringing attention to the state’s gun laws.
The meet and greet with the candidate was billed as a forum to discuss Texas gun rights. As part of the attraction, one lucky audience member walked away with a new rifle.
Republican candidate for the Texas House of Representatives Chuck Maricle took the stage in Seabrook to talk with potential constituents about the state’s gun laws. In exchange for their attention, he offered them a chance to win a gun of their own — an AR-15 rifle.
“I just couldn’t think of anything more interesting to get a group of gun enthusiasts together than giving away an AR-15,” Maricle said.
Maricle, an armed forces veteran and handgun instructor, predicts the 84th legislature will take up the issue of open carry, allowing licensed gun owners to openly display their weapons on the street.
He said, “We want to have that conversation today about what’s going to be legitimate good common sense legislation.”
Maricle supporter Chris McDonald, a police officer, prefers concealed carry, but says he supports Texans’ rights to bear arms.
“If we strip and lose our 2nd amendment right or we lessen the ability to have a concealed firearm, then only criminals are the only persons carrying guns,” McDonald said.
Maricle’s speech ended with a raffle. AttendeeKen Calvert took home a new firearm to add to his collection.
“I want to stand behind the 2nd amendment,” he said.
As for Maricle, he considers open carry an open debate, but obviously hopes to be part of the decision making process.
He said, “It’s good to hear both sides. You have to keep an open mind and a pragmatic approach on these things.”
According to the Harris County GOP website, six other candidates are running for the republican nomination for district 129. They are, in order of listing, Mary Huls, Brent Perry, Dennis Paul, Sheryl Berg, Briscoe Cain and Jeff Larson.