Chris Rock want’s you all to know that he’s not anti-gun, even though he went to an anti-gun event and wants more gun regulations.
Comedian Chris Rock talked about his previous support for gun control while hosting this week’s “Saturday Night Live” on NBC.
After joking about the commercialization of Christmas, Rock said “Jesus tried to help. Hey, I tried to help. You get hurt for helping, that’s what happens. I went down to Washington, DC, for an anti-gun event, anti-gun thing at the White House. I’m not big anti-gun. I just think there should be some regulations just in case. Listen, the same way I can’t drive a NASCAR down the street, I shouldn’t be able to have a machine gun in my house across the street from a school.”
He continued, “so I go to this thing, and it’s me and a bunch of celebrities and we speak out against guns. And I come home, and I check out my website…and there’s all these threats on there. ‘I’m going to kill you’ ‘I’m going to put one in your head.’ ‘I’ll slit your throat.’ ‘Don’t you dare come between me and my weapons.’ And I realized, ‘oh my God, I need a gun. I need a gun. Right now.’”
Rock then concluded, “from that moment on, I said, ‘I will never get involved in any charity, or cause for the rest of my life. You’re on your own.’ I don’t care what disease it is. I don’t care if it’s protecting kids, the environment. I don’t care. If you see me talking about a disease, I got it.”
1. Very few people own machine guns
2. There are regulations against guns, more than 20,000 gun laws and countless regulations, yet there aren’t regulations against comedians. Should comedians get a license to do comedy? Perhaps one of those “may issue” licenses where you have to convince the Chief of Police that you’re actually funny and that you need to be a comedian?
3. I’m glad he realizes he needs a gun, which is ironic since he seems to think we don’t need guns. Death threats are illegal, so perhaps he should call 911 and not get a gun? Of course, there’s a huge difference between “I’m going to kill you” and “don’t you dare come between me and my weapons.”
As for his last comment, I think it’s an excellent idea for comedians to dedicate themselves to comedy and not charities and any other PC BS unless they have the brains and the brawn to accept a little criticism when they screw up.
I’d like to feel sorry for Chris Rock, but Wayne LaPierre and plenty of other pro-gun patriots do get plenty of death threats. And let’s think about it for a second, why would any gun owner bother with shooting a clown like Chris Rock? That would take planning, preparation, expense, and the possibility of getting caught. What are we? Criminals? If we were criminals we would have no issue with gun control laws, nor would gun control advocates make us angry enough to kill them.
How many pro-gun serial killers do you know? The Washington DC Sniper doesn’t count, he was pro-Muslim, not pro-gun, and the stupid Beltway laws did not stop him from doing what he did.
Worry about your career, Chris, a career that would improve tremendously if you were a fair and balanced comedian like Jakie Mason, but that’s a different story.