Children’s Firearm Marketing Safety Act must not pass

While the Supreme Court has ruled that advertising and marketing speech does not enjoy the same protection as Free Speech, the following anti-gun marketing proposal goes too far, and even the ACLU should be outraged:

Democrat — Rep. Robin Kelly from Illinois introduced a bill in the House of Representatives to ban guns designed specifically for children, gun-related clothing for children, and cartoon mascots for gun companies. For the children . . .

The proposed bill, entitled the “Children’s Firearm Marketing Safety Act,” includes the following provisions regarding the marketing and sales of firearms:

(1) A prohibition on the use of cartoon characters to promote firearms and firearm products.

(2) A prohibition on firearm brand name merchandise marketed for children (such as hats, t-shirts, and stuffed animals).

(3) A prohibition on the use of firearm marketing campaigns with the specific intent to appeal to children.

(4) A prohibition on the manufacturing of a gun with colors or designs that are specifically designed with the purpose to appeal to children.

(5) A prohibition on the manufacturing of a gun intended for use by children that does not clearly and conspicuously note the risk posed by the firearm by labeling somewhere visible on the firearm any of the following:
(A) ‘‘Real gun, not a toy.’’.
(B) ‘‘Actual firearm the use of which may result in death or serious bodily injury.’’.
(C) ‘‘Dangerous weapon’’.
(D) Other similar language determined by the Federal Trade Commission.

On the surface, it seems like more of the same “protect the children at all costs!” claptrap that we’ve seen for years. To Democrats, guns are lethal instruments of evil that turn normal citizens into spree killers at the slightest touch, and just like nuclear waste they need to be kept as for away from our progeny as possible.

But there’s a darker, more devious reason for the push to make teaching children how to shoot illegal; killing off the gun culture at its roots. If parents aren’t able to make shooting fun and enjoyable for their kids, there’s less chance those kids will grow up to become the next generation of gun rights advocates.

As Robert is wont to say, culture eats strategy for lunch. Gun rights is winning because of the thriving and expanding gun culture in the United States. It looks like Robin Kelly might be intelligent enough to have figured that out, and may be trying to strike a blow in order to strangle it at its source rather than fighting it face-to-face.

Thankfully, this will never see the light of day in the Republican-controlled house.

I hope so, TTAG, Illinois is not a gun-friendly State even with a Republican-controlled house.


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