Sexiest Girls with Guns.

Kudos to for this titillating collection of sexy gun girls. Here’s a few for your personal enjoyment. And girls, don’t think I’ve forgotten you, if someone ever does a “sexy gun boys” blog, I’ll put a few pictures here. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander and all that.

Is Selena sexy? Brown ain’t my color, but some folks do like that Hoodie-wearing, Bieber-dating babe.

Stop scratching your head, Vanessa Hudgens, you’d shoot better with two hands holding that gun.


When she’s not holding her black husband’s penis, Kim Kardashian enjoys big rifles. Kudos for keeping the finger off the trigger and pointing the gun in a safe direction. Now stop tweeting you support gun control, bitch, you obviously don’t.

This gun control bitch doesn’t mind shooting from the tits when Hollywood pays the bills. Nice going, Vergara. P.S. When will you stop dying your hair black? Afraid people will find out you’re a natural dumb blonde?

Now I like Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, both of them are pro-gun. They even have a gun range in their palace in France. She’s sexy, she’s tough, no wonder Brad loves her.


Don’t know who Ashley Benson is and I haven’t watched “Springbreakers”, but other than her stupid pink hat, I like her.


Kate Beckinsale will give any boy an UnderBoner, LOL.


This brown-eyed bitch pisses me off whenever she tweets progressive BS. However, Lady Gaga is sexy, even if she’s a liberal. Hey Gaga, more singing, less politics.


Chivalry is dead, and I hope it stays dead so Jennifer Garner can continue to inspire boys and girls to serve in the military.


Paula Patton in “Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol”. Nice.



Delicious Desserts from Pro-Gun Author Erin Vorhaus.

Erin Vorhaus, the pro-gun author of Whine, Work and Win has written Delicious Low-Carb Desserts, 19 recipes that will delight your palate without making you blow up like the Hindenburg.

5.0 out of 5 stars Great recipes August 27, 2013
Amazon Verified Purchase
This book is packed full of great recipes that are easy to follow and not full of artificial and unhealthy ingredients. I found the book really easy to read due to the authors concise, straightforward writing style; there’s no fluff and no filler and the writing gets right to the point. The best part about this book is the fact that you don’t have to sacrifice taste for being healthy. The recipes find that perfect medium between tasting great being low-carb, it’s perfect for any kind of existing vegan or anyone that wants to make a smooth transition of incorporating vegan foods into their diet.

5.0 out of 5 stars Amazing recipes! August 25, 2013
As a newly converted Vegan, I was looking for recipes in general that contain no animal products. I came across this book and it was a big bonus for me that the recipes are also Low Carb! There are so many varieties of desserts here that would be sure to please anyone’s sweet tooth. My personal favourites (as a big fan of bananas) – the Vanilla Wafer Banana Cake and the Banana Blend Yogurt Dip. Simply delicious! The recipes were written in a simple and very understandable manner, and the instructions easy to follow. A must have for any Vegan or Low Carb enthusiasts!

5.0 out of 5 stars Great recipes August 26, 2013
Amazon Verified Purchase
I bought this book on recommendation of a friend when I mentioned wanting to lose weight but still needing to indulge my sweet tooth. All I can say is wow, this really delivers. The recipes are very delicious and being low-carb is the icing on the cake!


Democrat’s Latest Gun Ban.

Democrats are at it again, the so-called “Gun Violence Prevention and Safe Communities Act” attacks law-abiding citizens and does nothing to prevent violence or keep any communities safe.

“…the bill sponsored by William Pascrell, D-N.J., and Danny Davis, D-Ill., would nearly double the current 11 percent tax on handguns, while raising the levy on bullets and cartridges from 11 percent to 50 percent.

The lawmakers say the bill would generate $600 million per year, which would be used to fund law-enforcement and gun violence prevention.


The bill would also increase the transfer tax on all weapons (except antique guns) covered under the National Firearms Act (which excludes most common guns) from $200 to $500 and index to inflation and  increase the transfer tax for any other weapon from $5 to $100.”

They’re treating us like smokers! They want to steal our money to fund gun control initiatives. Fund law-enforcement? Don’t make me laugh, law-enforcement already gets enough funding from our property taxes. Gun violence prevention? The only thing that prevents gun violence is putting the bad guys in jail, assuming they live after they get shot, something liberals don’t like to do.

Rise up, Republicans! Kill this bill! And to those Democrats in Red States, you better vote “nay” if you know what’s good for you. Even Billy Clinton used to have a 100% NRA record when he was governor of Arkansas, why? Because back then that wannabe Yankee knew what was good for him.