Revolvers of The Walking Dead, Season 4

The Walking Dead is Back, and there’s a website that covers their weapons. Let’s look at their revolvers:

1.1 Colt Python

Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) continues to carry his six-inch barreled Colt Python .357 Magnum revolver in Season 4.

Colt Python with 6″ barrel and in nickel finish – .357 Magnum

1.2 Colt Official Police

Daryl Dixon (Norman Reedus) continues to carry a Colt Official Police as a back-up firearm to his crossbow in season four. He uses it in “30 Days Without an Accident” (S4E01) to fend off several walkers.

Colt Official Police – .38 Special

Daryl holds his Colt Official Police revolver as he is surrounded by walkers in “30 Days Without An Accident” (S4E01).

1.3 Smith & Wesson Model 10 HB

The Governor finds a Model 10 in a bathtub in “Live Bait” (S4E06).

1.4 Smith & Wesson Model 36

Smith & Wesson Model 36 (3″ barrel and square butt) – .38 Special

One of the survivors in the infected prison wing attempts to use his revolver, but is attacked by a walker in “Internment” (S4E05).

1.5 Colt Detective Special

In Indifference (S4E05) a Colt Detective Special is seen in Carol’s (Melissa McBride)’s waistband.

Colt Detective Special 1st Gen with round butt – .38 Special

Look closely and you’ll see a Colt Detective Special

Guns beat Stun Guns in South Carolina

It’s 6:08 AM, you’re walking to your car, probably going to church, when this happens:

A Ladson man says he shot and killed a man who tried to rob him with a stun gun in his driveway Sunday morning.

The Charleston County Coroner’s Office identified the man who was shot as Robert Deziel, 24, of Summerville.

The homeowner told deputies he was walking to his car when a white man approached him in the driveway and tried to shock him with either a stun gun or Taser. The two men reportedly struggled until the homeowner pulled out a handgun and shot the suspect several times, Watson said.

The man who shot was pronounced dead at the scene. The homeowner was taken to Trident Medical Center for injuries he sustained during the struggle, Watson said.


Wussies upset over skater’s gun holster

Two skaters (Marissa Castelli and Simon Shnapir) are doing a James Bond Skyfall ensemble, look at what he’s wearing:


Look at what the Obama-loving, wussy class is Tweeting:


Image source: Twitter via Twitchy

But wait, it gets worse:

Image source: Twitter via Twitchy

Makes you hate people, doesn’t it?


Background checks make guns more expensive

Class Warfare Alert! The enemy wants background checks to keep the poor from buying guns:

I bought a 1943 Enfield rifle from a buddy last year. I own several guns, but under a universal background check law, we’d have to take the gun to a dealer and have him run a background check. Under last year’s failed Senate bill, the dealer could charge up to a $125 fee, plus the $5 background check fee. That’s not pocket change, especially since the gun is only worth $200.

Do you think criminals will go through a dealer? I doubt it. Law-abiding citizens would be stuck with the expense and inconvenience. Criminals would ignore the law, just as they ignore other laws. It wouldn’t reduce gun crime in the slightest. Criminals would get their guns the same way they get their cocaine and heroin. Those drugs are illegal, but easy to buy everywhere.

The real purpose of a universal background check law is to discourage people from buying guns by making it more difficult and expensive. No one actually thinks it would reduce crime. The Senate bill failed because it was an obvious anti-gun law. Voters saw that, slammed their senators with calls and emails and the senators did their job, voting to represent their constituents.
