Father’s Cause: End “dial 9″ to reach 911.

Here’s an email I got today:


Gregory -

A few weeks ago, my daughter Kari was stabbed to death in front of her children. The pain of this is unimaginable. But what’s almost worse is knowing my daughter might still be alive if her daughter, my granddaughter, had been able to reach 911.

You see, my daughter was killed in a hotel room. When my 9-year-old granddaughter saw that her mom was in trouble, she did exactly what she had been taught to do: she picked up the phone and called 911.


But because the Baymont Inn & Suites, which is owned by hotel giant Wyndham, has an outdated system where you have to “dial 9″ to get an outside line, my granddaughter’s call never reached 911. 

So my grandkids were forced to wait as their mom died. All because my granddaughter didn’t understand to dial an extra 9.

I started a petition on Change.org urging lawmakers and hotel chains like Wyndham to fix this broken phone system by supporting Kari’s Law, which would require businesses to make sure their phone lines can easily access 911 in times of emergency. Will you click here to sign?

It’s not just victims and family members like me who are passionate about this change: 911 operators say that “dial 9″ systems lead to lots of accidental calls to 911, which clog up the system and make it harder for them to help with real emergencies.

In this day and age, there’s just no need for “dial 9″ systems anymore. Hotels have lots of other options, but they save money by keeping their old systems, even if that means my daughter couldn’t get the emergency care she needed.

It’s hard not to think about how terrified and angry my granddaughter must have been, trying to call emergency personnel to save her mom, but being unable to get through to the help she needed.

But I know that Change.org petitions have influenced the Wyndham hotel chain before, and even prompted Congress to pass a law to protect victims of bad water on military bases.

Please click here to sign my petition calling on Congress and companies like Wyndham to take action and make sure that what happened to my daughter never happens again.

I cannot tell you what this means to my family and me. If we can actually make something happen, then I will have to believe my daughter’s death wasn’t in vain.

Thank you,

Hank Hunt
Winona, TX


Dear Mr. Hunt, I feel sorry your daughter was murdered, you have my sympathy. But did you ever consider that if your daughter had kept a gun in the night stand, it would have taken her seconds to grab that gun and shoot that bastard?

You know why more than than 200,000 people have signed your petition? Because it’s a feel good measure, let’s just pass another law that will force hotels to spend who knows how much money, a cost that will be passed to us, so some people can call 911 while they’re getting stabbed.

Forgive me for sounding insensitive, but if you want to honor Kari’s memory, buy yourself a gun, and encourage others to do the same. If you’re not an activist, then give a contribution to the NRA or the Second Amendment Sisters in her name.

Remember this, Mr. Hunt, laws are meaningless until someone enforces them. Can you call 911 during a blackout? What if you get disconnected while waiting for them to pick up? Relying on others for your survival is the worst thing you can do.

The only laws I respect are those that empower me to take care of myself. I love pro-gun laws, I love States were gun owners are respected. Good luck, Mr. Hunt. I hope this petition brings you peace, but I’m not going to lie to you just because it’s the polite thing to do.

Update: Mr. Hunt Replies to what I wrote:

Henry Hunt

first of all I am a concealed carry licensee in the State of Texas and so is my wife. I had trained my daughters in self defense but I cannot make a grown adult do something they do not want to do. This was done in a motel so concealing a gun in HIS motel room wasn’t possible and I’m sorry but if someone grabs you and pulls you off balance and immediately starts stabbing I challenge anyone to be able to defend themselves against that kind of ambush. We don’t know if the the first stab killed her or not but we do know my grand daughter couldn’t summon help from the motel room and THAT is what we are wanting remedied. I support gun rights and I do not want my daughters memory used as a political “gun” so to speak for someone elses causes. As far as the the first comment, a “drive by commenter” who won’t sign their name to their own comment I say this, read it again and understand this, I blame no one but the monster that killed her. I blame him and him only. Do I think Hotels and Motels will do this on their own? One chain already has, Staybridge Suites, but this should be a requirement not only in hotels and motels but in offices, schools, high rises etc. The E911 system directly connects to emergency services and gives the operator the address, floor and room number. Someone suffering a heart attack may be able to dial 911 but can’t speak so having this systems can save seconds and lives.

Henry Hunt


I am speechless, but in the end, Change.org isn’t Big Government forcing  people to do something, so if you want to sign Mr. Hunt’s Petition, go right ahead. Last time I checked, 300,000 people have already signed.



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Equal Opportunity Officer: America’s Version of the Soviet Political Commissar.

If you saw K-19 The Widowmaker, you’d remember the Political Commissar that would travel with the troops, show them Soviet Propaganda, make sure communism was being practiced.

Well, today we have Equal Opportunity Officers, they’re not there to protect any individual’s rights, in today’s Army you can be a Pagan and practice your beliefs, no problem, their goal is to intimidate the majority, as Fox News and others have reported:

Don’t say Christmas.

That’s the message that was conveyed to a group of soldiers at Camp Shelby by an equal opportunity officer from the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute, according to a soldier who attended a recent briefing.

“She said an individual can say Christmas, but as an organization in the Army you can’t say Christmas,” the soldier told me.


It’s not the first time Equal Opportunity officers have caused trouble at Camp Shelby. Earlier this year, I reported exclusively about a briefing at Camp Shelby that labeled the American Family Association as a domestic hate group.
Source: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2013/12/24/army-dont-say-christmas/

Is this not ridiculous? Can they also not say Happy Halloween, Happy Valentines Day, Happy Easter, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanza? Christmas is a FEDERAL HOLIDAY, what else are you supposed to say in December? Happy Solstice? Happy Festivus? Or should we follow SouthParks example and celebrate Mr. Hanky the Christmas Poo?

Here’s how the army describes their program:

The Equal Opportunity (EO) program formulates, directs, and sustains a comprehensive effort to maximize human potential and to ensure fair treatment for all persons based solely on merit, fitness, and capability in support of readiness. EO philosophy is based on fairness, justice, and equity.
Source: http://www.armystudyguide.com/content/army_board_study_guide_topics/army_programs/about-equal-opportunity-p.shtml

Sure, that how it always begins. Today you accommodate an Atheist, tomorrow the EOP tells you to shut up. Obama’s goal is clear, he wants to politicize the army just like Castro and Chavez have done in their respective countries.



Meat Cleaver Almost Kills in Chicago.

The 19-year-old victim is lucky a neighbor called 911 and they came on time:

A Chicago Heights man and a South Austin woman both face attempted murder charges after they allegedly lured a man into the woman’s apartment Friday and attacked him with a meat cleaver and a stun gun.
The victim was taken to Mt. Sinai Hospital and treated for cuts to three fingers that were deep enough to require surgery to repair, according to court records, as well as abrasions to the face and fingers.
Source: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/breaking/chi-prosecutors-two-charged-in-meat-cleaver-stun-gun-attack-20131222,0,5255450.story

This is also another reason why the handgun carry age needs to be lowered to 18. Nobody should get hurt because they didn’t have a gun.