This is what working people get when they elect a Marxist, when they’re not coming after your guns, they’re coming after your livelihood.
New York City Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio has vowed to move quickly to outlaw the horse-drawn carriages that pull tourists around the city’s famous Central Park.
“We are going to get rid of the horse carriages. Period,” de Blasio, who takes office New Year’s Day, said at a news conference Monday. “They are not humane, they are not appropriate for the year 2014. It’s over. So, just watch us do it.”
Great, so now the tourists won’t be able to ride in a carriage, something you can do right here in Chattanooga. And why is DeBlasio killing jobs? Because he cares more for animals than people.

Animal-rights activists say the carriage horses are overworked and claim that the city’s traffic and pollution create an unsafe environment.
“They constantly breathe exhaust while dodging dangerous traffic,” says the website of one anti-carriage group, New Yorkers for Clean, Livable, and Safe Streets (NYCLASS), “confined to the shafts of their carriage and their tiny stable stalls, with no access to green pastures.”
They’re beast of burden, you idiots. What do you want for them? Massages? Human beings breathe exhausts and do perfectly fine. Besides, these animals have been breeding crap since the days of the industrial revolution, it’s no big deal.
“It’s not over,” driver Christina Hansen told the New York Daily News. “You cannot just get rid of a business, a perfectly legal well-regulated … just because a few people don’t like it.
“If (de Blasio) wants to ban them because they’re dangerous and inhumane, he needs to prove that.”
That’s the problem with well-regulated businesses, eventually they can regulate them out of existence. I wish Christina luck, but let’s face it, this is New York City and the Mayor faces little opposition, specially when he’s a commie.