Category Archives: Meme
Robbing Starbucks is Easy
Hey criminals, looking for an easy score? Starbucks is the unarmed-victim zone you’ve been looking for.

I want to thank Educators Against Gun Control for bringing this to my attention and with a little research I found what seems to be a developing pattern. In September, during a very public clash between pro-2nd Amendment advocates and anti-American gun ban advocates, Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz tried to remove his company from the fray that centered around their “gun-friendly” company policy to follow local laws and allow open carry in their stores where it was legal. Because of the polarizing nature of the debate, he attempted to “straddle the fence” with an open letter effectively changing their policy, saying “For these reasons, today we are respectfully requesting that customers no longer bring firearms into our stores or outdoor seating areas—even in states where “open carry” is permitted—unless they are authorized law enforcement personnel.”
Arkansas (open Carry State): LR police seek man in Starbucks robbery.
Colorado (Open Carry friendly without permit requirements except in the City and County of Denver):
Police search for suspect who robbed Starbucks Sunday morning.
Maryland (Licensed Open Carry State):
Towson Starbucks robbed at gunpoint.
Is anyone else sensing a pattern here?
You can thank Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America for the change in the policy, it was their boycott of Starbucks which led to the Appreciation Day from pro-gun advocates which put Starbucks in the limelight to begin with. If I were CEO Howard Schultz I would be filing a lawsuit against MDA. Not sure what for, but I’m sure a creative lawyer could come up with something. - DoubleTap
James Madison Meme
Adolph Janet Hitler Reno Meme
I’m old enough to remember when Janet Reno kidnapped Elian Gonzales and sent him back to Cuba, now that poor boy is a committed communist. His mother died bringing him to America, Janet didn’t care. Janet is also responsible for the Ruby Ridge and Waco massacre. Yet this quote from her is news for me.
Gun Culture Meme
I don’t believe Rap and/or Hip Hop causes crime, but I do believe kids should learn that guns aren’t just for gang bangers shooting each other.