The Anti-Bloomberg Song

Today Herr Michael Bloomberg, the Devil of Gun Owners leaves his office. As the NRA points out: “he will enter civilian life protected by firearms. The same man who has spent much of his career and personal fortune trying to render good, law-abiding men and women defenseless, will now surround himself with a team of armed bodyguards.”

So let us bid him adieu with a song I wrote. I tried to hire someone on Fiverr to sing it, but alas, liberals don’t like to sing against their Liberal Lord and Savior. So if you can carry a tune, go ahead, you sing it for me.

Sung to the tune of “Glory, Glory Hallelujah”

My guns will not be taken
by the Bloomberg in New York,
He will not confiscate them
where I keep them locked and stored,
He can make a lot of noise
waste millions even more
But his lies will not live on

Damn you! Damn you! Major Bloomberg
How I hate you, Major Bloomberg
Damn you! Damn you! Major Bloomberg
Your Lies will not Live On

I have seen him in on the TV,
even on The Daily Show
I have seen him waste his money,
harass gun owners evermore
The liberal media loves him
they even kiss his ass
But his fall is coming soon
Damn you! Damn you! Major Bloomberg
How I hate you, Major Bloomberg
Damn you! Damn you! Major Bloomberg
Your Lies will not Live On

  Don’t worry folks, I intend to keep my day job. LOL

Doe B Dead, Manager Blames Bar.

No, not “Doby” from Harry Potter but Doe B from Alabama.

Doe B, whose real name is Glenn Thomas, decided to go to the wrong bar, he was probably trying to “keep it real”:

“According to investigators, the crime took place inside Centennial Hill Bar & Grill, the location of the former Rose Supper Club, a club whose license to sell liquor was suspended Alabama Alcoholic Beverage Control Board’s Hearing Commission due to a shooting incident. Another male died of the incident while six other were wounded but are now in stable condition. Police haven’t made any arrests regarding the incident as of writing.”

See what I mean? Even if I could carry a gun in that place, you couldn’t pay me to go there.

His manager, DJ Frank White, also expressed his anger over the club’s negligence of securing the safety of its customers.

“I will do everything i can to see the rose never open. How many people gotta be f—- killed. ??? Yall let guns in the club??? Security yall let guns in the club??? Again???! You need to be arrested. This blood is on your hands #therose #centineiel hill???”

Sorry DJ Spell Check, but the blood is in the hands of the shooter. What do you want? To go through TSA-type of security to enter a bar? There are ways guns can be smuggled into a bar, you know.

Champions Bar shooter used prosthetic leg to smuggle gun into establishment.

And that’s nothing compared to the story below:

The arrested man who had a gun hidden in his rectum
Michael Leon Ward from North Carolina was arrested and apparently stashed a .38 barrel revolver in his rectum. According to police, the unloaded 10-inch weapon was not discovered until after the suspect had been booked into a cell in the county jail and had a thorough strip search. Thankfully the gun was unloaded.

See? When there’s a will, there’s a way. Hey Leo, next time smuggle a Beretta Nano. LOL