Texas Democrats Get Panic Buttons

Who’s scared of Open Carry Texas and other gun groups? Democrats. What are they doing about it? Are htye open carrying their own guns? Nope! They’re gonna fight peaceful, law-abiding gun owners, with panic buttons! AUSTIN, Texas (AP) – The Texas House has made it easier for its members to place panic buttons in their […]

Dumb Criminal Uses Replica Gun At Police Station

Here’s one of the dumbest stories I have read: WASHINGTON (WUSA9) — The Metropolitan Police Department has arrested a man who they say was armed with a replica pistol inside police station. The man entered the Fifth District Police Station on Bladensburg Road, Northeast at about 10:30 p.m. on Thursday, police said. While speaking to […]

Savage Arms’ Take On “One Shot, One Kill”

This ad will delight any American Sniper. Yes, the Rascal is the type of gun that gives Moms Demand Action nightmares. “Look at those colors! They’re turning children into soldiers.” LOL The reality is that a child taught how to use a gun can save your ass, here’s the proof: PHOENIX (AP) – A 14-year-old […]

Crazy Canuck Waves Gun At Border Patrol

Canadians love lecturing us about our gun laws, so here’s a little schadenfreude for you: A gun-toting Canadian man was shot and wounded as he tried to enter the United States at the Ambassador Bridge in Detroit Sunday. The man stopped his car about 3 a.m. before approaching the inspection booth, exited his vehicle and […]