What do gun haters when their gun control dreams turn into nightmares? They call South Park’s Captain Hindsight and his sidekicks, Shoulda, Coulda and Woulda:
“Last year, Maryland passed some of the strictest gun regulations in the country. It was a shotgun obtained legally that 19-year-old Darion Aguilar used to kill two people and then himself inside the Mall in Columbia.
Had it been a more lethal type of weapon, it could have been very much worse,” said Governor Martin O’Malley.”
Source: http://baltimore.cbslocal.com/2014/01/29/mall-shooting-reignites-gun-control-debate/
Unlike Governor O’Marxist, I don’t need to play the coulda game:
While reports of Tuesday’s shooting at the Clackamas Town Center Mall in Oregon, dominated the national media, until Friday’s horrific shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut, one very important detail has been repeatedly (and intentionally) left out of the MSM’s coverage.
The shooter, Jacob Tyler Roberts, was confronted with an armed citizen, at which time he ran away and shot himself. By the time police arrived on the scene, Roberts was already dead.
Source: http://www.examiner.com/article/media-blackout-oregon-mall-shooter-was-stopped-by-an-armed-citizen
And I’m sure you can find me plenty of examples of armed self-defense all over the country, in all kinds of places. I know that States which passed concealed carry laws reduced their murder rates by 8.5 percent, rapes by 5 percent, aggravated assaults by 7 percent, and robbery by 3 percent, according to a 1996 University of Chicago study.