Pro-Gun Book Promotion.

I saw this on twitter, I think it’s a pretty cool deal. You buy the book, you save $50 when you buy a gun. “ANY GUN” makes it sound tempting if we’re talking about used guns for $300, $200, $150. But if we’re talking about guns in the $500s-$800s, not so tempting.

If you want to see what her book is all about, click the link below:



No Thanks, Obamacare.

These ads look like parodies, but they are real. Let me give you my 2-cents.

OMG! I didn’t know I needed Obamacare to buy an $8.99 pack of Trojans.  But then again, he won’t be buying a pack of condoms because she’s on the pill, and like the legal disclaimer says, that doesn’t protect you against STDs. OMG, I hope he doesn’t have Herpes.


Friends with Benefits is slang for friends who have sex with each other while not being in a relationship, although in this case I think they meant “healthcare benefits.” Do you need Obamacare to exercise, drink red wine and scissor each others brains out? I don’t think so.

Hey girl, you’re a ho. Hey guy, you’re full of crap.

A healthcare ad that promotes getting drunk? Thanks Obamacare, indeed.


Does Obamacare include tattoo removals? Hell on Earth is what we’re going to be paying so some Derby girls can get healthcare, not that they couldn’t before, they just didn’t want to. Hope you like long waiting times once you’re bruised, bloody and broken you dumb derby twats.

Here’s the truth about Obamacare, from a friend who makes $90,000 a year.

 The cheapest plan on obamacare for my profile is $243/month with a $6,350 deductible. ehealthinsurance showed me a plan for $319/month with a $1000 deductible. not only that, obamacare only pays 50% coverage after your deductible and ehalthinsraunce (humana plan that I chose) covers 100%. These plans are a f-cking scam.”

In the ad biz we have a saying: “You can only sell a bad product once”. Why? Because most people don’t buy crap twice. If your beer tastes like piss, you won’t be drinking that brand again. Obama’s eventual goal is for his brand of insurance to be the only one available, aka single-payer. We’re not there, yet.



Magpul’s Girls & Guns Calendar.

Nothing makes a woman sexier than a firearm, which is why Magpull did a 4 minute video of their calendar shoot which can be seen here:

The girls wear a lot more clothes than the ones I’m showing you here, either way, they’re dressed to kill, literally.


Radio for Deep South Holsters.

Most advertising agencies are dominated by politically correct liberals, that’s why I was surprised to find this radio commercial for Deep South Holsters.

My favorite lines were:

“Yet whether you’re carrying a giant 12 inch gun or an itsy-bitsy little 4 inch Beretta Nano, you need a holster to keep it in place.”
“ is in the Heart of Texas, so you know you’re not getting bull crap from some Yankee in some Blue State”

Nice going, Vain Ad.