Mattel Tommy Burst Commercial (1960)

This is the kind of commercial that would horrify a liberal today.

Every kid growing up in the 1950s and 1960s played with toy guns, many of which looked like the real thing. The toy commercials of the era advertised these plastic replicas to millions of children with little or no ill effect,


Sarah Brady’s Childish Background Check Cartoon.

Good propaganda is often simple, and this is the perfect cartoon for gun haters to share with their children, the gun-control version of “The Story of Stuff,’ but at least it’s only one minute long.

In a one-minute cartoon style ad, narrated in a lisping, child-like voice, the Brady Campaign — which Sarah Brady chairs — asks whether Congress’ refusal to extend background checks is a sign that lawmakers are “rooting for the bad guys.” Last spring, the Senate voted down a bill to expand background checks for gun purchasers, legislation supported by the Obama administration in the aftermath of the December killing of 20 children and six adults by a gunman at Sandy Hook Elementary School. See the vote here on Open Congress.
If you watch it on YouTube, you’ll notice comments have been disabled. The cartoon is ridiculous, criminals are going to buy guns no matter what. Some of them are using Instagram, others meet on Facebook, and hardly anyone was buying them at the gun store.
Like most liberals, Sarah Brady wants to “do something,” whether it works or not is irrelevant, these are change for the sake of change people. Early adopters of the unproven.
70,000+ people have seen her video so far, yet her organization is languishing.

Brady Campaign PAC’s spending on federal campaigns has fallen abruptly since the year 2000, when it peaked at $1.6 million.

The group’s most recent PAC report shows just $2,294 cash on hand,according to Sunlight’s Real Time Federal Campaign Finance tracker. This compares to $10.7 million for the NRA.
Take that, Brady. If your cause is so popular, how come you don’t have 5 million members paying dues?
I can’t wait for the Colion Noir to do a parody of this.

Henry & Scouting Ad.

“The Boy Scouts of America adheres to its longstanding policy of teaching its youth and adult members the safe, responsible, intelligent handling, care, and use of firearms, air rifles, BB guns, and archery equipment in planned, carefully managed, and supervised programs.”

I hope that never changes. Stay pro-gun, Scouts!



Honest Ad from Gun Grabbers.

Gun control ad from 1981. Back then they didn’t used the term gun-safety nor did they pretended to support the 2nd Amendment.

By “honest” I didn’t mean honest with their “facts,” they always lie when it comes to those. What’s honest about this ad is that it lets you know right away that this people are the enemy.


Dan Patrick Pro-Gun Ad.

Dan Patrick’s TV commercial, is fantastic, click on the link if you want to watch it.

“This is not Tokyo, this is not Finland, This is the United States of America, … and in America, where law-abiding citizens have guns, crime is down.”

And the announcer closing with: “Fight Obama, Defend our Second Amendment Rights,” it’s clear that Dan Patrick is no RINO.

“….Patrick’s gun rights agenda: In 2007, he was one of 28 senators who co-authored a castle doctrine law, which expanded Texans’ ability to use force for self defense in their home, car or workplace. In each of the past three legislative sessions, he was among roughly a dozen senators unsuccessfully authoring a bill to allow carrying of concealed handguns on college campuses. He’s also sponsored or help pass measures making it easier to renew a concealed handgun license, expanding retired cops’ ability to carry and letting holders of concealed handgun licenses store their weapons in a vehicle glove compartment on campus and at work.



That’s music to my ears. He also opposes in-state tuition for illegal aliens, can we please stop calling the immigrants or illegal immigrants? Semantics aside, he sounds like a true conservative.

Learn more about him at


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