Dan Patrick’s TV commercial, is fantastic, click on the link if you want to watch it.
“This is not Tokyo, this is not Finland, This is the United States of America, … and in America, where law-abiding citizens have guns, crime is down.”
And the announcer closing with: “Fight Obama, Defend our Second Amendment Rights,” it’s clear that Dan Patrick is no RINO.
“….Patrick’s gun rights agenda: In 2007, he was one of 28 senators who co-authored a castle doctrine law, which expanded Texans’ ability to use force for self defense in their home, car or workplace. In each of the past three legislative sessions, he was among roughly a dozen senators unsuccessfully authoring a bill to allow carrying of concealed handguns on college campuses. He’s also sponsored or help pass measures making it easier to renew a concealed handgun license, expanding retired cops’ ability to carry and letting holders of concealed handgun licenses store their weapons in a vehicle glove compartment on campus and at work.
Source: http://trailblazersblog.dallasnews.com/2013/11/this-is-not-tokyo-finland-patrick-says-in-new-ad-on-guns.html/
That’s music to my ears. He also opposes in-state tuition for illegal aliens, can we please stop calling the immigrants or illegal immigrants? Semantics aside, he sounds like a true conservative.
Learn more about him at http://www.danpatrick.org/