Carolyn McCarthy, one of America’s #1 Gun Haters, has announced she’s not seeking reelection. I’m not surprised, a woman who speaks of a “Shoulder Thing that Goes Up” has no business in Congress.
As reported:
She has been one of the most outspoken advocates for gun control in the United States. Elected after her husband was shot and killed on the Long Island Railroad, she championed the original Assault Weapons Ban along with Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and just about every measure that would restrict the ability for Americans to exercise their right to keep and bear arms. News comes today that she will not be seeking re-election, instead retiring at the end of this term. I for one am sad, since we’ll have to find a new poster child for politicians attempting to regulate something which they have literally no idea how it works or what it does. But I’m sure one will be forthcoming. From the AP report:
Senior Democratic aides say two House Democrats — Carolyn McCarthy of New York and Mike McIntyre of North Carolina — plan to retire.
McCarthy, who has served nine terms, was elected shortly after her husband was killed in a shooting on the Long Island Railroad. She has been a forceful advocate for gun control.
McIntrye is one of the few remaining Southern Democrats in the House and also has served for nine terms. He survived the Republican sweep in 2010 and redrawn congressional lines in 2012. His retirement gives the Republicans a strong chance of winning the seat.
The aides spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren’t authorized to publicly discuss the decisions ahead of formal announcements.
So, good news for Republicans all around then.
Good news indeed, I just hope we don’t get one of those centrists like Boehner.