Campus Carry could have stopped the shooting

I support the mission of Students for Concealed Carry, specially now considering the recent events with shooters like Rodger. Mississippi Rebel agrees, this is what he wrote:

Another Shooting That Campus Carry Could Have Stopped

Murderers don’t tell you when they are going to strike. The only way to stop them is to be ready to fight back.

That’s why allowing college students to exercise their right to bear arms is the best chance for stopping mass murderers like Elliott Rodger, who attacked students at the University of Santa Barbara last weekend. By the time law enforcement responds, it’s always too late.

Yet even “conservative” Republicans are against campus carry. Remember the so-called “guns everywhere” bill in Georgia that the liberal media was panicking about? The Governor of Georgia has stated repeatedly the law won’t allow campus carry. So much for “guns everywhere”.

Liberals and gun grabbers oppose campus carry merely out of paranoia and fear. There is not a single report of campus carry posing a danger to students.

Every time liberals and gun grabbers ban guns on college campuses, they are taking away victim’s best chance at defending themselves. How many more students have to die before they change their mind?

Just one clarification, in Georgia the Republicans were not against campus carry, they simply couldn’t get enough votes to pass the campus carry bill. “Guns everywhere” is the term the anti-gunners used to described the bill that got passed, yet it’s not truly everywhere and individual businesses are still free to restrict guns and suffer the consequences.

Furthermore, the legality of campus carry in Georgia colleges is yet to be decided, you can see the blog:

Is College Campus Carry Legal as of July 1, 2014 in Georgia?





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