Bullied Boy Brings Gun to School in Chicago

Chicago has the toughest gun laws, here’s how they “work.”

A 12-year-old boy told authorities he brought an unloaded handgun to his South Side elementary school because he was being bullied, police said.

A security officer found the .38-caliber Special after the boy showed the gun to another student and then placed it into the backpack of a third student Monday morning at Schmid Elementary School, 9755 S. Greenwood Ave., according to a police report.

That student reported it to school officials.

The boy told police he carried the gun into school in his book bag “because he was being bullied by another student at the school,” the report said.

The five-shot gun had a 2.5-inch barrel. Its serial number was defaced.

The boy, from the South Side, was arrested at 12:45 p.m. and taken to the Calumet District police station where he was cited in a juvenile petition with unlawful use of a weapon, police said. His mother was notified.

The police report said the boy has no gang affiliation.

Source: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/breaking/chi-police-boy-charged-after-bringing-gun-to-20140916-story.html

This story shows why everything liberals say it’s wrong. The weapon wasn’t an “assault weapon,” just a simple .38, the gun cops used to carry. The serial number was removed, proving that registration is a failure. The school had no metal detectors, which is surprising for a school in the ghetto. But don’t worry, I’m sure they’ll be sending a community organizer who will be organizing a protest full of angry fools shouting “no justice, no peace.”

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