Bloomberg Continues to Bleed as More Mayors Jump Ship.

Schadenfreude! 50 members of of Bloomberg’s gun control gestapo have quit.

“Nashua Mayor Donnalee Lozeau says she called it quits after the group launched television attack ads against New Hampshire Sen. Kelly Ayotte. Ayotte voted against legislation that would have expanded background checks to cover almost every gun purchase in the country.

“I said, ‘Wait a minute. I don’t want to be part of something like that,’” Lozeau told The Manchester Union Leader. “I told them, ‘You’re Mayors Against Illegal Guns; you’re not mayors for gun control.’

Rockford’s three-term independent Mayor Lawrence Morrissey bowed out over similar concerns.

“The reason why I joined the group in the first place is because I took the name for what it said – against ‘illegal’ guns,” Morrissey said at a town hall meeting on June 22. His comments were met with applause. “I thought it was about enforcement of (the) existing gun laws” against illegal weapons. “As the original mission swayed, that’s when I decided that it was no longer in line with my beliefs.”

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Really? Have you people heard of Google? How hard is it to type “Mayors Against Illegal Guns” to see what they’re all about?

Names mean nothing! So please don’t join Americans for Gun Safety or any other gun control front groups

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