Bloomberg Complains About Liberal Intolerance- Oh the Irony


Bloomberg has never been tolerant of our guns or our 2nd Amendment, but when it comes to other things, his tune changes:

(CNN) — Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, speaking at Thursday’s commencement speech at Harvard University, criticized what he described as a disturbing trend of liberals silencing voices they “deemed politically objectionable.”

Bloomberg noted other universities have had speakers back out. He pointed to Rutgers, where former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice withdrew amid protests, and Smith College, where International Monetary Fund chief Christine Lagarde withdrew after a student petition.

“In each case, liberals silenced a voice — and denied an honorary degree — to individuals they deemed politically objectionable. This is an outrage,” Bloomberg said to applause.

He is correct of course, liberals do silence voices just like Bloomberg tries to silence the 2nd Amendment.

Bloomberg, who in April pledged $50 million to gun control groups he helped organize, spoke about Washington politicians’ handling of gun issues, noting Congress has barred the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from conducting studies of gun violence, a prohibition that was recently extended to the National Institute of Health.

“What are they afraid of?” he asked.

We’re afraid of politically-motivated anti-gun research designed to pass the bills you want, Mr. Bloomberg. Seeing how global warming has become a religion among left-wing scientists, we don’t want the same happening with guns.

The Senate this year delayed a vote on President Obama’s nominee for surgeon general, Dr. Vivek Murthy, because the Harvard physician “had the audacity to say gun violence is a public health crisis that should be tackled,” Bloomberg said to applause.

“Let’s get serious: When 85 Americans are killed with guns every single day, and shootings regularly occur at our schools and universities, including last week’s tragedy at Santa Barbara, it would be almost medical malpractice to say anything else,” Bloomberg said.

Do those 85 Americans killed with guns include murderers, rapist, burglars, drug dealers? If so, I’m glad they got killed. All deaths are not equal. As for Vivek, I’m glad we put Slumdog Gun Control in his place. As for medical malpractice, as many as 90,000 people a year are killed by medical malpractice every year, perhaps Bloomberg would like to start Mayors Against Medical Malpractice?

Bloomberg also defended the 9/11 Mosque

He recalled when when protesters came out several years ago against the development of a mosque a few blocks from ground zero in lower Manhattan.

“We protected their right to protest,” Bloomberg said. “But they could not have been more wrong. And we refused to cave in to their demands. The idea that government would single out a particular religion, and block its believers — and only its believers — from building a house of worship in a particular area is diametrically opposed to the moral principles that gave rise to our great nation, and the constitutional protections that have sustained it.”

He added, “If you want the freedom to worship as you wish, to speak as you wish, and to marry whom you wish, you must tolerate my freedom to do so — or not do so — too. What I do may offend you. You may find my actions immoral or unjust. But attempting to restrict my freedoms in ways that you would not restrict your own leads only to injustice.”

Really? This coming from the guy who wants to restrict our gun freedoms? And by the way, who says I can marry who I wish? What if I wish to marry Paris Hilton and she says no? Frankly, since Bloomberg likes Islam so much I think I’m gonna convert my guns to Islam, then I’ll cry “Islamophobia!” every time he tries to ban them.

Bloomberg compared the intolerance of ideas prevalent in the country today to “McCarthy’s Red Scare” and its destruction of thousands of lives. In the 2012 presidential race, he said, the overwhelming majority of campaign contributions from Ivy League faculty went to Barack Obama.

“Today, on many college campuses, it is liberals trying to repress conservative ideas, even as conservative faculty members are at risk of becoming an endangered species,” he said.

Yes, and the way to solve that problem is for college to invite liberals like Bloomberg to give speeches. Don’t take me wrong, I’ll give him credit for telling the truth on occasion, but I’d rather see someone else make those remarks.

Before Bloomberg’s speech, Cary Williams, president of the Association of Black Harvard Women, questioned why Bloomberg was selected as speaker, because the NYPD’s stop-and-frisk program “disproportionately has targeted people of color in New York.”

“It’s basically racial profiling,” junior Keyanna Wigglesworth said of the New York policing policy under Bloomberg. “And so it’s unsettling to me, (for) someone to speak who advocates a racist policy when you want students of color on campus to feel comfortable. It’s confusing and I don’t think its what Harvard stands for.”

Cary Williams should realize that stop-and-frisk is the price of gun control, when you make it almost impossible for law-abiding gun owners to get their guns, the result is a Police State. In Tennessee we don’t need stop and frisk, we simply shoot the bad guys. In New York City the number of gun owners with a concealed carry permit is microscopic, thus the cops have no choice to resort to gestapo-like tactics.

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