Blame violence on the individual, not the culture

Both the left and the right feature a unique quality, they put blame on the collective and not the individual:

“The reason Canada is breaking out with brand new gun violence has nothing to do with the United States and guns,” said McDaniel “It has everything to do with a culture that is morally bankrupt. What kind of culture is that? It’s called hip-hop.

He also proceeds to state that hip-hop is also a major reason for failing schools and broken communities. ”Name a redeeming quality of hip-hop,” states Chris “I want to know anything about hip-hop that has been good for this country. And it’s not—before you get carried away—this has nothing to do with race. Because there are just as many hip-hopping white kids and Asian kids as there are hip-hopping black kids. It’s a problem of a culture that values prison more than college; a culture that values rap and destruction of community values more than it does poetry; a culture that can’t stand education. It’s that culture that can’t get control of itself.”

I hate to disagree with a fellow Mississippi GOP Senate candidate Chris McDaniel, but you’re wrong. It’s not the video games, it’s not the family, it’s not the lack of church, it’s not that he was bullied, it’s not the music, it’s the individual who makes a choice.

When Cain killed Abel, did we blame Eve? Adam? No, we blamed Cain. When King Herod ordered the slaughtering of babies, did we blame the Roman culture Herod lived in? Because I know Roman history, and even Caligula would not have ordered the murder of innocent babies.

If you want to fight crime, stop fighting the culture. Hip Hop, Grand theft Auto, twerking, that’s going to stay. People like those things, while I have defended family-friendly Duck Dynasty, some people like to watch programming that is appalling and vile to others.

I know Michael Savage didn’t like “The Wolf of Wall Street,” yet I don’t like the movie Spartacus from 1961. I prefer the Startz TV series were you see blood, gore, and plenty of sex and nudity. Yet do you see me buying a sword and slaying the Romans? No, I choose not to do that (besides, I happen to like Romans).

If you want to fight crime, empower those individuals affected by crime! Bring back corporal punishment, look at Singapore, you spray graffiti and they hit you with a bamboo cane 10 times and then put you in prison for 3 to 6 months.

We don’t need a collective culture, we don’t need to march in lockstep, we can tolerate our individual differences and only punish people when they violate the rights of others.





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