I’m a huge fan of Bill O’Reilly, and he has come around on the 2nd Amendment and supports it. But sometimes Bill gets into his “Leave it to Beaver” mood when he writes:
“But we Americans apparently like the zombie culture very much. Somehow, we identify with humans like Brad Pitt slaying as many zombies as possible. By the way, that’s legal. Zombies have no protections under the law.
And liberal Americans do not object to using heavy weapons to kill the undead. Assault weapons are fine as long as you undergo a background check. But that policy can be waived if the zombies are actually rampaging through your house.
As a positive person, I am not on the zombie bandwagon. Too much angst. I believe that when you die you go either to heaven or hell — not to cable TV. But that’s just me. Millions of my fellow citizens obviously see it differently. To them I say: Boo!”
Source: http://www.bradenton.com/2013/10/20/4779877/bill-oreilly-zombies-taking-over.html#storylink=cpy
Bill, I assure you there are plenty of conservatives who also like zombies, or to be more accurate, like seeing men defeat them, survive them.
I like zombie books and movies because they show that the end, the government can’t protect you, you have to protect yourself. It’s about self-reliance and endurance, it’s about willing to do unthinkable things to survive. It’s about free men trading their talents and abilities with others by choice, not force. In the zombie apocalyptic world, there’s no IRS, no taxes, no welfare, everyone has to pull their own weight if they want to remain with the group. I like the line “let me earn my keep” in last Sunday’s episode on The Walking Dead. What a beautiful sentiment, a man who was rescued a week ago, who’s been eating without producing, wants to earn what he’s getting.
Reminds me of the story of an immigrant who went on welfare for a week, got a job, and then went back to the welfare office with the money he was given. The poor welfare workers didn’t even know how to take his money back, so he put it on the counter and left.
Zombies and violent films help us prepare for the unthinkable. During WW1, a lot of soldiers hesitated about aiming and shooting their rifles because they had concerns about killing a human life. This attitude of “I’d rather die than kill” is extremely dangerous. By visualizing violence, with the aid of books and movies and our own imagination, we’ll be prepared to use it if that terrible day ever comes.
Fear is dangerous when we don’t manage it, it can paralyze a person, leave him unable to do anything. If you own a gun, it’s not enough to shoot paper targets, you have to accept that someday you might have to shoot a criminal in self-defense. You have to see your life above the life of a criminal, all men are created equal but not all men end up in the same place.
I am not like those liberals and libertarians more concerned for the rights of criminals than the rights of the people they terrorize. A criminal has the right not to break into my home, not to pull out a weapon and threaten me. The law in most states is clear, if someone threatens your life with death or massive bodily injury, you can defend yourself. This doesn’t mean you look for trouble, it just means you defend yourself when trouble finds you.
Ironically, Bill understands fear, he has gotten death threats, he needs to spend his hard earned dollars on bodyguards (no secret service or 24/7 police protection for Bill). Maybe he’s like the old Mafia guy who doesn’t want to watch violent movies because he gets too much of that at work. Well, most of us don’t experience any violence at work, and while preparing yourself for real violence is fun, watching Zombie violence is fun to.
For the liberals with no access to firearms, this is the only chance they get at seeing real guns being used. If anything, we should be thanking a liberal like George Romero for creating Night of the Living Death and his other 3 movies. We should be thanking The Walking Dead to. The liberal playbook says that firearms should not be glorified, yet isn’t it wonderful to see even kids shooting zombies? Good people killing bad undead people, that’s something to root for.
As for Bill saying that we’re becoming like ancient Rome (he said that on TV, not the article), come on. In ancient Rome they killed real people for sport and entertainment, we don’t do that here. Moral relativism makes it even hard to give a real bad guy the death penalty, there’s always someone saying that if we kill a criminal, we’re just as bad as they are. They don’t understand the difference between killing and murdering, at times the Romans did murder people, and at other times the ones that died in the arena in gladiator contest or execution deserved their fate.
Here you can’t execute anyone without jumping through hoops, and if you do shoot somebody in self-defense, you better pray the Sheriff or DA chooses not to press charges. We all saw what happened to Zimmerman, let’s just say I won’t be joining any neighborhood watches anytime soon.
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