Bill Maher is self-loathing Ammosexual

Bill Maher thinks we’re ammosexuals, but as Mediaite pointed out:

“Of course, I think the Republicans are insane about guns,” Maher told Ramos, “because they love guns, which is a sick position to have in the first place, to love something like a gun? I don’t love my gun, I have it the way I have, maybe, you know, antibiotics. It’s not something I love, it’s something in case of an emergency that I might have to use.”

Aha! So Bill has has experimented with ammosexuality yet he claims not to love it. What happened? Did he have a bad experience with a gun? Missed his target?  Did he went to Parents and Friends of Ex-Ammos and decided he’s not an ammosexual anymore? Was he recruited by the ammophobes? And if so, why does he continue to own the gun?

I think it’s time to call AAAD (Ammo Alliance Against Defamation) and demand some sensitivity-training on Maher.

Down with Ammophobia! Let’s make June “Ammo Pride Month” and have an Ammo Pride Parade. ;)





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