Biden’s BS: Touting ‘Progress’ on Gun Control.

Obama’s Marxist brotha from another white momma loves to blab, even if his remarks are nothing than gobbledegook.

As Guns Magazine reported:

“Those 23 executive actions are keeping guns out of dangerous hands,” Biden said. “They’re providing support for communities to hire school resource officers. And they’re reducing the stigma around mental illness.”


Though, in truth the list of objectives are a mixed bag, ranging from actions that can be empirically measured, such as the appointment of a full-time director to the ATF, B. Todd Jones was sworn in back in August, to nebulous goals such as “maximizing enforcement efforts.”


While Biden appears to be pleased with what they’ve accomplished thus far, he vowed to continue the fight. Specifically, he believes that an expanded background check bill that would require background checks for private transfers made via the Internet and at gun shows is a necessary undertaking moving forward.



None of those 23 measures do anything to fight crime, but are designed to harass law-abiding gun owners. Executive Order #23 for example is extremely troubling, for it other the bleeding-heart liberals at the CDC to “research” the causes of prevention of gun violence.

Really? That’s like ordering PETA to research BBQ recipes, what do you think their conclusions will be?

Oh Biden, you’re the gift that keeps on giving BS.



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