The divide between supporters of open carry and gun-owning OCphobics continues to grow. I was debating some gun-hater, Niccolo Machiavelli, who opposes ALL CARRY, and this is the message Gun Nuts Media sends me:
Caleb commented on The Open Carry Experience Part 4: Our own worst enemy.
in response to Gregory Smith (@GunGregory):
I have said NOTHING about black people, yet you’re the one thinking about them, so who’s the racist now? As for why the fuck do I carry? I carry because it’s my right, and because I choose to live, i choose not to become a victim, I choose not to live like an ape, relying […]
That is quite enough from the both of you. You are now both in violation of the Gun Nuts Media Comment Policy. Further infractions will result in removal of posts and/or banhammer.
Clean it up or take it elsewhere.
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Give me a break, Gun Nuts Media, you should be defending Open Carry instead of attacking us.
Sadly, Gun Nuts Media isn’t the only one playing Uncle Gun to gun haters, look at this from
We’ve tried to explain why long gun open carry onto the property of private businesses is a counterproductive tactic.
We’ve explained that the reactions of previous businesses to long gun open carry—statements issued by a half-dozen companies that gun carriers are no longer welcome—are counterproductive. We’ve noted that the general public that we need to influence to affect positive policy change overwhelmingly finds long gun open carry abhorrent. We’ve explained that long gun open carry into private businesses has never been common in the history of the United States. We’ve explained how pro-gun legislators have implored these groups to stop, because these tactics are making it harder to build support for open carry legislation.
And most recently, we’ve pointed out that long gun open carry, as practiced by many long gun open carriers, is dangerous, due to their propensity to muzzle one another and point their firearms in unsafe directions, such as tile-covered concrete store floors, roads, and parking lots.
Unfortunately, these groups are intent on continuing the same self-destructive path, and have once again given Moms Demand Action From Illegal Mayors In Everytown more ammunition.
On Saturday, they held another long gun open carry protest outside of a Target store—a retail chain that has so far avoided making a public statement telling saying that gun owners are unwelcome—with their firearms almost universally pointing at the parking lot surface, or one another’s legs.
@Target What do you suggest we tell our kids when we drive up for a Bday gift & see this? #OffTarget#MomsDemand
Open Carry Texas
3 hours ago · Edited
#Guncontrolextremists are getting desperate and continue to bully businesses with lies, so we wanted to clear the air with facts. This past weekend, OCT: Dallas County held an open carry event on North MacArthur Blvd in Irving, Texas (see photos below) this past Saturday. Our staging area was in the parking lot of a major shopping center. That shopping center includes MANY major businesses, including Office Depot, Kroger, Ulta, TJ Maxx, and, yes, Target. With permission from the property owners, we set up near the northeast side because several small business owners (we won’t name them so they don’t have to worry about being bullied by these extremists) allowed us to eat in their restaurants with our firearms (which we didn’t take inside). The map below shows the location of our staging area where we met, conducted our safety briefing, and ensured all weapons were not chambered. We staged approximately 600ft from the shopping center building between the Office Depot and Target. In fact, we were closer to the Chipotle (the building to the right of the parking lot) than we were to the Target. None of our members took their openly carried firearms into the Target or any business that day. ABC News Nightline was there filming our event and their story will undoubtedly confirm this. But, what are facts to gun control extremists?
And yet, it’s not just gun control extremists we have to worry about, look at these comments from “pro-gunners”:
Scott Feucht
They are probably being paid by Bloomberg. I honestly don’t think a group who supports the 2nd would be that stupid unless they are being paid well.
Reply · Like · 9 · Follow Post · about an hour ago
Brian Robertson · Top Commenter · Everett, Washington
I only get attacked when I point out how counterproductive this is. I understand that it is their only apparent action. However, all it does is make businesses take a position negative to gun ownership as a whole. We need to be smart. We need to talk to our legislators. We do not need kneejerk reactions by businesses kicking all guns off of their premises.
Reply · Like · 1 · Follow Post · about an hour ago
Brian Lorsung · Field officer at Mill City Security Services
Are they an organized group that has a Facebook page? If so we should bombard their page with comments about how destructive this is to our cause.
Reply · Like · Follow Post · 15 minutes ago
You may well ask: “Why direct action? Why sit ins, marches and so forth? Isn’t negotiation a better path?” You are quite right in calling for negotiation. Indeed, this is the very purpose of direct action. Nonviolent direct action seeks to create such a crisis and foster such a tension that a community which has constantly refused to negotiate is forced to confront the issue. It seeks so to dramatize the issue that it can no longer be ignored. My citing the creation of tension as part of the work of the nonviolent resister may sound rather shocking. But I must confess that I am not afraid of the word “tension.”
Our events require no State funding, no closing streets, no police protection, we’re the most law-abiding people on earth.