Beware of Born-Again Conservatives like Thad Cochran

Check out this ad for Thad Cochran, he sounds like the perfect guy, right?

Not so fast:


Voted for then-Senator Joe Biden’s massive gun control bill, which banned numerous firearms and created undue burdens and waiting periods on purchasers [Roll Call #125, July 11, 1991]

Voted to impose background checks on private transfers and supersede numerous state laws with a sweeping federal mandate [RC #140, May 20, 1999]

Voted to prohibit the sale of all guns without Washington-approved safety devices [Roll Call #17, February 26, 2004]


Voted for Medicaid funding for abortions [Roll Call #132, May 21, 1981]

Voted to table the amendment to bar the use of federal District of Columbia funds to pay for abortions, except to save the life of the mother [Roll Call #291, November 7, 1985]

Voted for federally funded research on embryonic stem cells [Roll Call #206, July 18, 2006; Roll Call #127, April 11, 2007]

Voted against straightening laws to circumvent taking minors across state lines for abortions without parental notification [Roll Call #71, March 13, 2008]


Cochran claims that he voted to repeal Obamacare over 100 times, but he has always opposed the only consequential means of actually disrupting the law, which is by objecting to any budget that contains funding  [RC# 206, Sept. 27, 2013; RC# 219, Oct. 16, 2013]

So why did the NRA endorse him when: “ConservativeHQ joins The Madison Project in enthusiastically endorsing Cochran’s truly conservative opponent, Chris McDaniel. McDaniel is a constitutional conservative with backbone who’s ready to slash spending and fight the liberal agenda in Washington.”

I love the NRA, but I’d like to hear their logic on this one.


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