Better to play cowboy Kaarma than victim Dede

Markus Kaarma, a homeowner in Montana, set up a trap to attack crooks, he and his wife left a purse inside the garage, and a German exchange student shows up and gets shot and killed.

Celal Dede, the father of der crook said “America cannot continue to play cowboy”.  I have news for you, mein fuhrer, I rather play cowboy than play Nazi.

You Germans haven’t learned from the holocaust, you like having the fuhrer State tell you what to do, “protect you,” you still put the “common good” above the individual good.

Kaarma’s lawyer is right, “It shouldn’t be up to a homeowner to wait and see if [an intruder] is going to shoot him when he announces himself.”

Furthermore, our 2nd Amendment precedes the cowboy era. James Madison wasn’t a cowboy after all. Consider this quote from the Bible: Proverbs 25:26  “A righteous man who falters before the wicked is like a murky spring and a polluted well.”

Our humanist society loves the wicked, seeks to understand the wicked, while hating the good survivors. Being a victim is OK, shooting an attacker is not. Celal Dede failed to teach his son to respect the law, respect private property, respect America and our laws. After all, if I go to Germany am I not expected to respect German law and culture? So why is SS Dede breaking into people’s garages?

The 2nd Amendment preceeds the cowboy era, but I’d rather a cowboy. Cowboys are self-reliant, not slaves of the State. Cowboys can take care of themselves, they don’t need to be rescued.

Here’s what life looks like in Germany, a country with strict gun control:


David Crossland: I paint a picture of neo-Nazi violence, especially in the former communist East, and that is borne out by almost daily reports in the press and by the experience of a lot of asylum seekers, immigrants, people who don’t look German, left-wing activists who get attacked and injured and in many cases killed.

“There are repeated instances of violent attacks on police officers involving hundreds of hooligans on the fringes of football games — planned and well-organized. We realized that there were increasingly violent right-wing extremists among them. Apparently they use the hooligan clashes as training,” said chief prosecutor Jürgen Schär

About a hundred fascists were only allowed to march 300 meters from their gathering point as left-wingers, trade unions and ordinary Berliners joined forces to stop a neo-Nazi march. Clashes between the groups led to some injuries and arrests.

When there are no cowboys, thugs show up.  America must never become a “gun-free” country, lest we suffer like Germany.


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