Ben Carson wants to ban your tanks and rocket launchers


Poor Ben Carson, being a RINO is like having herpes, once in a while it shows.

“I think there are some weapons that are probably not appropriate, like, you know, tanks. And I’m not sure that people should have a rocket launcher in their bedroom. But, you know, conventional weapons, I don’t have any problem with.”

At the same time, Carson criticized his fellow conservatives who have an “infantile attitude” when it comes to simply “engaging in conversation” about the Second Amendment, especially when it relates to areas that have large amounts of gun crime. He admitted to being critical of conservatives who impose “litmus tests” over gun control issues.”

It was more than a year ago, when he appeared on Glenn Beck’s show, that Carson created some controversy by saying that the right to have semi-automatic weapons should depend on where people live. Specifically, he thought the weapons should be banned in large cities, saying, “I think if you live in the midst of a lot of people, and I’m afraid that that semi-automatic weapon is going to fall into the hands of a crazy person, I would rather you not have it.”



Earth to Ben Carson!

1. You can rent a tank at, but you can’t fire the cannon.  Do you want to put these nice people out of business?

2. You can buy black powder cannons online, see, I don’t think they’re very useful for self-defense unless you’re firing at slow-moving zombies

3. You can shoot a cow with a rocket launcher in Cambodia, but you can’t do it in America. Don’t worry Ben, the NRA is too busy defending real issues, they don’t have time for your paranoid nightmares.

4.  Is Ben Carson going to accuse liberals of having an “infantile attitude” about abortion, same-sex marriage, etc?

5. Are more than 20,0000 restrictions on the 2nd Amendment not enough?

6.  Does Ben not realize that most weapons today are semi-automatics?

7. If Ben is afraid of crazy persons, he should carry a gun like the rest of us

8. The 2nd Amendment imposes a litmus test on gun control, real patriots understand that.



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