Banning imitation firearms won’t save lives

13-year old Andy Lopez was walking around with an Airsoft rifle that looks like a real AK-47, a sheriff decided to shoot first, ask questions later, although it is true that the boy pointed his gun at the officer.

Now SB199 is advancing: “Senators approved the Imitation Firearm Safety Act on a party-line 22-8 vote, although several senators from each party did not vote. It now goes to the Assembly.”

Just because Sen. Noreen Evans (Democrat) said that “A toy should look like a toy” doesn’t mean the Government should get involved in the toy-designing business.

As you can see from this 1962 Matel commercial, a real looking toy gun does not usually result in cops shooting kids.

This bill is nothing more than the continuing wussification of our kids, we live in an upside down world where a transgendered teen has right to pee in the wrong bathroom while our All-American boys and girls are told to play tug-o-peace instead of tug-o-war.

This bill also violates the First Amendment, if burning the flag can be protected as free speech, the same argument could be made about toy guns.

The death of Andy Lopez was tragic, but our kids should not lose their freedom over an isolated incident. When a kid drowns, we don’t ban pools, when a kid scares an officer with a toy gun, we shouldn’t ban toy guns. Parents simply have to tell their kids how to behave themselves with others, and if they don’t do their job, so be it. I’d rather live in a free society where a kid dies occasionally than in a slave society where nobody dies. I am being facetious of course, in any society kids and adults will die because it’s impossible to prevent 100% of the deaths no matter what you do.




3 Responses to Banning imitation firearms won’t save lives

  1. And gungrabbers refer to us as “paranoid”. Indoctrinization of children to be afraid of firearms is carrying over into how adults react to anything gun-related, including the police response.

    • They know that if they get a generation of children to hate guns, the 2nd Amendment is doomed. Its a good thing many pro-gun parents are doing their part, I hope its enough.

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