These gun grabbers are something else, hardly anyone knows about “Americans for Responsible Solutions,” so instead of promoting their pathetic group, they invent a new one:
The new initiative, Veterans for Responsible Solutions, will support Giffords and Kelly’s wider efforts by bringing to bear the experience of military veterans who’ve sworn to defend the Second Amendment and have themselves been well versed in the use of firearms.
Oh you got us! As soon as I we see a man in uniform, we never ever disagree with him. On the other hand, we never had a President Kerry or President McCain, so maybe it’s not enough to wear a uniform, you have to stand for something we agree with, like the Constitution these veterans claim to defend.
Moreover, there are guns in the Arizona home Kelly shares with Giffords he said, guns used for self-defense and target shooting.
There were plenty of guns in Hitler’s bunker, yet he still managed to disarm plenty of people.
The point Kelly was trying to prove is that neither he nor any member of his organization is looking to repeal or limit Second Amendment rights…”We’re for gun rights,” said James Barnett, a retired rear admiral.
Prove it! Have you donated to the Armed Citizen Project? Did you support the “guns in parking lots” bill in Tennessee? Do you favor making turning “may issue” into “shall issue” in States were the jackboots can deny us 2nd Amendment rights? No, you’re not for gun rights, you’re for gun control, you just don’t have the guts to be honest about it.
Instead, Veterans for Responsible Solutions wants commonsense actions like universal background checks, Kelly said.
Right, and after the Brady people got the Brady bill, they disbanded. Oh wait, they didn’t. So-called “universal background checks” is the beginning for these bastards, then they’re going to demand ammo limits, gun taxes, and a host of other restrictions.
Vance Coleman, a retired Army major general, said on the call that he also owns guns. But not everyone should, Coleman continued, namely criminals and the mentally ill.
Criminals will always own guns, Vance! They will always find a way. As for the mentally ill, they won’t be found until they do something, which is why the responsible choice is to carry a gun and be ready for them when it does.