Armed Guard Control.

Reading that Bloomberg plans to take his armed gestapo with him, about 17 armed guards, that will now be paid from his own pocket to the tune of $2.5 a million a year, it gives me an idea:

Nobody needs an armed bodyguard!

The 2nd Amendment says nothing about the right to keep armed bodyguards with you, so why not treat Bloomberg’s goons the way he treats our guns?

First Bloomberg should be forced to prove he needs armed bodyguards, and a sheriff should immediately deny him, as they routinely do.

“But there are death threats against me”       “Sorry sir, lots of other celebrities get death threats and they don’t have armed guards. You’re simply being paranoid. Just call 911 like a good liberal New Yorker would.”

Besides that, let’s consider every anti-gun argument liberals make and apply it to armed bodyguards. Are these guards certified? Are they trained? What if they wake up on the wrong side of the bed and decide to go on a shooting spree? And what about gun-free zones? Surely his guards should be forced to leave their guns inside the car whenever entering one of those criminal-friendly zones, right? Will his goons only carry 7 rounds in their magazines and the New York’s unSAFE Act stipulates?

Bloomberg is a socialist in his outlook, he puts society ahead of individual needs. Well, in that case, society does not need Bloomberg to have armed bodyguards. Bloomberg should simply rely on 911 like everybody else. If he’s afraid, he should simply stay home.

Clearly gun ownership is a privilege in New York, so let it be a privilege denied to Bloomberg.


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