SAN DIEGO – A California gun parts dealer is getting national attention for selling a rifle attachment he is calling “Obama’s Blaster.”
It is an upper receiver for an AR-15 rifle.
Dimitri Karras, who owns Ares Armor in Oceanside, came up with the name and does not really see what all the fuss is about, sister-station KGTV reported.
“I don’t understand why that’s such a big deal,” he said. “It’s funny. It’s a joke. It’s entertaining.”
Karras certainly is not afraid of the government. Last March, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives raided his Oceanside shop and he says took hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of his merchandise. Personnel with the agency were there because of plastic parts used to build rifles at home.
Karras is now suing the ATF for at least 11 violations. He says “Obama’s Blaster” is simply a parody, mocking the president’s support for stricter gun control laws.
“It’s to celebrate his status as the world’s greatest gun salesman,” Karras said. He is referring to a national spike in gun sales after Obama tried to tighten gun laws.
Karras, a Marine who served eight years and did two tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, said he wishes no harm to the president.
KGTV Anchor Itica Milanes asked him, “Can you at least appreciate, understand why others wouldn’t think it’s so funny?”
“I can appreciate that they wouldn’t think it’s funny and I can really appreciate the anger and the comments and them utilizing their First Amendment because as Voltaire said, ‘I might disagree with what you have to say but I will defend to the death your right to say it,'” Karras said.
There is irony in where his shop is located: on the corner of Mission Avenue and Freeman Street.
“Oh, I couldn’t think of a better street to start this business on,” he said.
This is getting him publicity, but will it get them sales? Would you like to own anything named after Obama? They think you might:
We would like to thank President Barrack Obama for being the distinguished firearms industry spokesman and salesmen of all time. We are now producing what we believe he would really want in an “Blaster.”
Much like Marvin, Barry is believed to be an alien and also was in possession of an illudium Q-36 explosive space modulator. Unfortunately for us, Barry believes that the United States is not only blocking his view of Venus, but is also blocking his social and political views with our pesky Constitution. Luckily, after 2,000 years of research and when he was finally ready to use the Illudium Q-36 explosive space modulator to destroy the Constitution and the United States, Bugs Bunny saved the day and destroyed this device!
If good ol’ Barry had been in possession of a “blaster” such as this, maybe things would have been different for Bugsy. It might have actually been Rabbit season.
In either case we proudly introduce “Obama’s Blaster.”
On sale now for $550.
Here’s something else named after Obama, perfect for a presidential dump.
One roll is sells on Amazon for $5.73.