Anti-Oprah Meme.

We know race-baiting Oprah makes us

But it turns out Dr. Carson is no Saint of the Second Amendment either:

Asked by Beck for his thoughts on the Second Amendment, Carson gave the popular pro-gun argument: “There’s a reason for the Second Amendment; people do have the right to have weapons.”

But when asked whether people should be allowed to own “semi-automatic weapons,” the doctor replied: “It depends on where you live.”

Really Dr. Carson? So if a gang of 10 thugs are trying to break into my home, I’m not allowed a nice AR-15?

“I think if you live in the midst of a lot of people, and I’m afraid that that semi-automatic weapon is going to fall into the hands of a crazy person, I would rather you not have it,” Carson elaborated.

However, if you live “out in the country somewhere by yourself” and want to own a semi-automatic weapon, he added, “I’ve no problem with that.”


What is he thinking? That I’m going to spray gun-fire all over the neighborhood and hit an innocent victim? This isn’t Grand Theft Auto, Dr. Carson.

Either way, I’m not going to bash one of the biggest enemies of Obamacare. If Dr. Carson is misinformed, it’s up to us to educate him with a softer, kindler style, like the way they use on


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